Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Something you should know...

ABOUT ME!!! Something that you all should know about ME is that...I LOOOOOVE people!!! I fully embrace EVERY ETHNICITY with open arms and with a Mar Bear hug!!! I know, that I talk A LOT about black people and my love for them ANNNNNND such...buuuuuut I LOVE ALL ETHNICITIES!!!
Yes, there is NO denying the fact that there IS annnnnd ALWAYS will be a special place in my heart for black people. I've been fascinated with black people since I was four begging my mom for 6 months to get me a black real baby doll for my 5th birthday. I always looked forward to the missionaries to Africa to come to our church. I had no black friends but ALWAYS hoped to. All my childhood I was always learning about how slaves were freed and the predjudice they still had to endure afterwards. And when I thought I had grown out of my childhood fascination and was over that phase...I was brought to heart wrenching broken heartedness...annnnnd just when I thought I was OVER them, God used black people in my life to heal my broken heart and to give me a purpose when I didn't know where I was going or what to do next, for that I will ALWAYS be greatful to black people...BUUUUUT I LOVE EVERY ETHNICITY!!!
 YES it was my childhood dream to marry a black man, buuuuuut the truth is that it was JUST a childhood dream. I told my mom when I was like 4, when I grow up I want to marry a black man! Then I told her I want to marry a black man OR a Chinese man!!! Where MOST people are drawn to their own ethnicity or what is LIKE them, Because I'm MARY, I've ALWAYS been very drawn to whats different than me!!! :)))
I mean, yes it was my dream to marry a black man BUUUUUT, sometimes God brings our dreams to pass and sometimes God knows that our dreams are NOT what is best for us annnnnd SOMETIMES God goes above and beyond all our expectations of what we ever even dreamed of. God is God and he's GOOD!!! I trust that God will give me what he thinks is best for me and that I have NO hinderances on his will for ME due to a persons color.
I told my sister one time, I just thought that I would have to marry a black person because of the African kids and my burden for them...annnnd my sis was like, weeeeeellll...WHY would you have to marry a black man because of that? And I said, well, cuz then he would have a burden like me! My sis was like, WEEEEELLLL...God could give that burden to a WHITE man too...I'm like OH yeah...she like, I mean HE GAVE it to YOU annnnd YOUR WHITE!!! I was like, OH yeah, I AM!!! LOLOLOL Plus, as I've said HERE, my burden is for the lost, whomever God leads me too amd wants to be fed!!!!!
I guess what it comes down to tho is THIS, It doesn't matter to me at all WHAT the color of my future husband's skin is, he could be blacker than coal or whiter than snow, what matters to ME is that my future husband and I share the same desires towards God, that he is accepting and loving of ALL ethnicities and doesn't hold on to ignorant ideas about race and ethnicites. That he would be ok with our future children falling in love with someone of another ethnicity if they chose too ANNNND... That IF God was to ever lead us to adopt a child of another ethnicity he would be ok with that. I'm NOT saying that I'm neccesarrily looking for that, BUUUUT, IF God was to open that door, skin color wouldn't be a hinderance on our decision.
I was asked several months ago by a friend, SO do you really want to marry a black man for yourself, or do you just want it for OTHER people??? I said HONESTLY, I wouldn't mind, BUT its NOT something that I MUST HAVE!!! The truth is that I have had crushes on guys from black to white and EVERY ethnicity in between. I just get sooooo EXCITED when I see a black and white couple because it absolutely thrills my heart to see people OVERCOMING predjudice and being able to love each other despite their differences in skin color.
It just BOTHERS me a lot when I hear people say, OH I would NEVER go for someone of a certain ethnicity! I'm like REALLY?! WHY NOT?! I mean, i'm NOT saying you have to be like ME, where you spent half your life LOOKING for it...LOLOLOL...You may not ever see it happening for yourself buuuuut to just say Oh NEVER just because...and to say I don't think other people should...I would NEVER marry someone that had that kind of a mindset!!! ANNNND its not like I would ever be hateful towards anyone that was or is taught that way... I just couldn't deal with it myself being married to someone that felt that way and I KNOW that I would spend all my time trying to change them!!!
The thing that provoked me to say this, IS well, I was playing catch phrase recently, and one of the guys from our church was trying to describe the word on his turn and his description was, "Something Mary despises!" One of the OTHER guys jokingly said, WHITE PEOPLE!!! I was like, Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay WHATEVERRRR!!! I do too LOVE WHITE PEOPLE!!! I mean, I'm WHITE and we all KNOW that I LOVE ME!!! (Btw: The word was, ROACHES!!! LOL) Annnnd I've had other comments made to me jokingly...Like when I ask about a guy people will say oh he's WHITE Mary...annnnnd I'm totally FINE with that kind of teasin...buuuuuut I was like, what about the people that dont really KNOW ME??? I just wanted to clarify myself and let everyone know that I DO LOVE EVERYONE!!!
♥Mary Frances :)