Just re-reading the post, Hide and Seek that I wrote last February...This is ALWAYS a good check for ME when I need to see where I'm at...Like God just NEEDS to refresh my memory...like DUH...I ALREADY TOLD YOU!!! So many young people have told me, WHAT a help this post was to them...buuuuut its really a help to ME every time I read it too!!! I know that probably sounds conceited...I just minister to myself through my own writing...bahaha...buuuuuut ITS not ME!!! You have NO idea much this was from God to me as I was writing it! Like God was telling me...this is your love story ANNNNND this is WHAT you NEED to do...sooooooo DO IT!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Posting it just one more time to hopefully reach anther young person that needs to hear this...
Hide And Seek!!!
"Ok I'm it!" Says the seeker, "Everyone go hide!" You scurry around frantically searching for the best hiding spot as the seeker begins to count. "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... Oh where should you go? Under the table? In the bathtub? Behind the cupboard? " 16, 17, 18,19, 20, Ready or NOT here I come!" Oh no, times up, the seeker is coming and you still haven't found your hiding spot! Where should you go? Quick you cover yourself up in mom's clean laundry and hope that the seeker won't notice that the pile is moving rythmatically with your breathing. Ah the good old days as a child, I have such fond memories! Do you remember playing hide and seek as a kid?! I LOOOOOOVED playing that game...ACTUALLY I still do!!! One thing that I realize now looking back, is that there were always TWO kinds of hiders.
First and most common amongst the hiders were the people like ME. I was that person that you could spot out a MILE away because I didn't quite fit into my hiding spot and there was always either a leg or arm left sticking out of my hiding spot. Or IF I was actually hidden all the way and covered where no one could see me, when the seeker would walk by me WITHOUT seeing me, a giggle would almost ALWAYS accidentally escape out of me, immediatly LETTING them know EXACTLEY where I was! OR if I did manage to stay hidden really well, and I was completely hidden, and I managed to stay quiet, after about 20 minutes of hiding and NOT being found I would grow IMPATIENT. I would get worried, I would wonder what happened? Did they forget about me? I couldn't take NOT being found, so I would come out of my hiding spot, hoping to be seen by the seeker, llike HELLO, look at me! Then I would make a run for it to base, but OF COURSE, I was NEVER a fast runner and always got CAUGHT before making it to base!
ANNNNNND then there were the OTHER hiders! The hiders who were so slick, so quiet, so calm you hardly even hear them breathing and these hiders ALWAYS had THE BEST spots for hiding. These hiders didn't wait till the last minute to find their hiding spot. They had already scanned their surroundings and had their hiding spot all planned out. When it was time to hide they didn't hesitate, they didn't look around at the other hiders to see where they were doing, they didn't try to hide with the other hiders. It didn't matter to these hiders what everyone else was doing, they had a plan and they were determined to stick with it.These hiders never gave up and they NEVER came out from their hiding spot before they were found. It didn't matter HOW uncomfortable their hiding spot was, they were patient and they waited and waited and waited and WAITED, til FINALLY they were FOUND by the seeker!!!! These hiders WERE RARE, where as the GIGGLERS, like me, were ABUNDANT!!!
However, there were ALSO two kinds of seekers, there were the seekers that after a little while of searching and NOT being able to find the hider they would throw their hands up in defeat and say OKAY, I give up, come out of your hiding spot and YOU WIN!!! OR there were the DETERMINED seekers!!! These seekers REFUSED to give up!!! They would tear apart every part of the house, closets, rooms, cuboards, drawers, they would look up down, inside, outside, on the roof, the chimmney, trash barrels, EVERYWHERE!!! They didn't care what they had to do, or what they had to put themself through, they were NOT going to give up, they were going to FIND that hider!!! They were JUST as patient and JUST as determined as that hider AND finally find them, and the SEEKER would say, there you are, I FOUND YOU!!! And the hider would just smugly say, "WELL ITS ABOUT TIME!!!"
I got to thinking about how love, TRUE LOVE, between a Godly man and woman, is like a really good game of HIDE and SEEK! The MAN is the SEEKER and the WOMAN is the HIDER!
Click HERE to finish reading!!!
♥Mary Frances :)