When I write, I write from my heart! I just wanted to share that with you all. I feel a burden for young people, singles, young ladies. I have in my life that throught obedience and submission, God's hand has preserved me in my time of singleness. My goal in writing for singles is to HELP prevent people from messing up their life in that time of singleness. If you have made a mess I want you to know that I don't write to condemn you or to hang things over your head. God forgives, he cleanses, he washes, he delivers, he restores, but there are still consequences. Consequences that leave scars. My goal is to help people avoid unneccary scars in their life.
I can't tell anyone how to find a spouse, how to get married, BUUUUUUT I can tell you how to make it to 30, single with very few regrets. And I say, very few because, WEEEEEELLLL... I'm human and yeah, i've botched it up pretty bad several times!!! :)))) I've said I love you when I didn't really even know what I was saying, I held hands when I should have locked them up, I've said to much, i've been forward, i've been flirty, I talked to guys I shouldn't have talked too, YES, i've made some STUPID mistakes. But I've learned. I've been broken. I learned to wait. I learned to trust. I learned to submit. I learned to obey! I learned to pray! Because of this, despite the longings of my heart, the hand of God has preserved me. He has kept me.
When I write, I share personal stories and experiances because I know that by doing so I'm making a stronger impact for my readers. I allow myself the embarrassment of being exposed and vulnerable in the hope that it will help impact the hearts and minds of my peers and those younger than me. The response from readers to the singles posts this week was phonominal. I was not expecting that and to be honest sometimes I'm scared to really admit my weaknesses for basically all the world of Pentecost to read. Buuuuuut then i'm reminded, if i'm struggling with it, there IS someone else that is also struggling with tthe same thing and is scared for anyone else to know as well! And I'm also reminded that its really NOT about ME, annnnd if ONE person is changed, its worth it!!!! My purpose has been fulfilled.
Like I said, I write from my heart! Sooooo if your reading something and you find yourself crying, guess what???? I was crying when I wrote it! ANNNNND if your read something and you find yourself laughing, guess what??? I was probabley laughing even harder than you when I wrote it!!! I literally put ME into my writing. Thats WHY you all keep coming back for MORE of it!!! Heh, heh!!! Good one Mar Bear! ;))))
Anywayz, I said ALL that to say this, MORE SINGLES Post will be coming!!! I have more material in my mind then I literally even have time to write!!!! People talk about writers block and I'm just like, WHAT IS THAT??? I could probabley sit in front of a computer for a year straight and never run out of things to write about!!! FOR REALZ!!! LOLOL I'll probabley be doing a longer post every other day! Thank you all soooooo much for the feed back! I really do truely appreciate it and treasure every word from my readers! God bless you all have an AMAZING weekend and its TIME FOR SATURDAY NIGHT PRAYER!!! BYE!!!!
♥Mary Frances :)