Someone tells you they just LOOOOOVE your hair, they have NEVERRR seen it like this before! Its soooooo PRETTY! Annnnnnnd your just like Ummmmm...Thanks...its called...
True story of the day people!!! I washed my hair today, while it was still wet I pulled it back into a bun and then ran out to do a bunch of errands...A cashier in a store I frequently shop at was like totally complimenting me on my lack of NOT doing my hair! She was like, I have NEVERRRR seen your hair like this before...blah, blah, blah...I'm just thinkin like heeeeey at least people can know that I NORMALLY DO, DO MY HAIR!!! It was TOO FUNNY! Almost as funny as when people give me sincere compliments on my hair in rollers or pin curls!!!
♥Mary Frances :)