oKAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Soooooooo i'm jus saying that IF you LOVE Adventures In odyssey ANNNNNND IF you have not listened yet to VOLUME 58 annnnnnnnnnnnd IF you do NOT want the ending RUINED FOR YOU...DO NOT READ THIS BLOG POST!!! I am FORWARNING YOU ALL THat I am about to ruin the WHOLE ALBUM FOR YOU with this post... I REPEAT...If you DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IN THE LAST ALBUM...Do NOT SCROLL DOWN...
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay soooooooooooo talk about the TOTAL HEART BREAK OF THE CENTURY FOR ME....
Yes, WOOTON...MY WOOTON...WOOTON THE LAST APOSTOLIC WARRIOR Wooton!!! He just proposed to ANOTHER WOMAN!!! Please, someone, take the knife out of my heart... IT HURTS people, IT HUUUUUURRRRTS!!!! ...Like...TEARS...TEARS..Someone get me a TISSUE...WAAAAAAH!!!!
I'm sitting here, my sis is a part of the Adventures in Odyssey club, which means you get to hear ALL THE NEW SERIES waaaaaaaay in advance, YES people, WE REALLY ARE, THAT COOL!!! So anyways, I'm sitting here, listening to Wooton, and I'm like telling my sister, Awwww I LOVE HIM!!!! He is sooooooo KINDHEARTED annnnnd he is soooooooooo FORGIVING!!!! I'm LIKE, Theresa, I LOOOOOVE HIM!!! And He's all like, WILL YOU MARRY ME? To Penny!!! My mouth was just HANGING OPEN...My sis was laughing at me...I was just like,
See, THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR ACTUALLY FALLING IN LOOOOOVE WITH A WHITE MAN!!! Everybody be all like, you never know, maybe you'll end up marrying a WHIIIIIITE MAN, you gotta give WHIIIIIIITE MEN A CHANCE...Soooo I did...AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS...HE BROKE MY HEART!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I KNEW I should have just waited for MARVIN WASHINGTON TO GROW UP!!!
Seriousley, if you guys want to start sending me consolation gifts, chocolate, stuffed animals, gift cards, Hello Kitty, Hair accessories, or EVEN JUST A sympathy card for my loss would be APPRECIATED, please go ahead and do WHATEVER the Lord lays on your heart...BECAUSE MY HEART IS OFFICIALLY BROKEN... (Buuuut YOUR gifts, COULD HELP BEGIN the HEALING process!!! ;)))
♥Mary Frances :)P.S. On second thought....He has ONLY proposed, I still have TIME!!! Just wait Penny, I'm on MY FITNESS PAL...SOOOO YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, Cuz, I'm losing weight GIRRRRL...I'm LOSING WEIGHT!!! Sooooo PURRRRRRRRRRR!!!!