Anywayz, somehow we all ended up, without planning too, separating by singles and marrieds...
Group selfie photos at our table...
Our group was playing THE AMAZING game of BALDERDASH!!! This is a game of 1000's of RARE real life word definitions that you NEVERRRR hear!!! The way you play it is that the stack of cards with words and their definitions get passed around, you read the word, tell everyone how to spell it, then they write it on their paper and come up with a definition then they pass their paper back into the reader, the reader has written down THE REAL definition and they then read all of everyone's definitons including the REAL one. you have to then try and guess which definition is THE REAL one...buuuuut if your fake one gets voted on you get points for that, if you vote for the real one you get points as well. ITs a game of lying, trickery and bluffing...I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT annnnnnnnd happen to be...
Here are all our game pieces...It was me, T, Denae, Slinky, Stultz, Tommy, Judah and Christopher...Because I'm SUCH A GOOD friend, I won't mention WHO's lip gloss that was...(They said it was lip BALM) BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Buuuuuuuuut I chose it to be my game piece!!!
Soooooooooo we're playing annnnnd everything is going good, then T says its 9;00 who ever rode with me we are LEAVING!!! I'm like WHAAAAAAAAT??? I have TO WIN FIRST!!! Stultz, PULEEEEEZE take me and Slinky home!!! HE agrees and we keep playing...I'm in the lead buuuuuuuuut then denae catches up and we are tying..
Sooooooo we start messaging on photo stream...
Sooooooooooo we're totally messing with each other...btw Shagganappy was one of the actually means a horses hide...buuuuuuut Its now in my vocabulary with ITS OWN MEANING...I mean HOW AWESOME of a ghettolicious word is that?!?!!? Shagganappy..."Watch yo shagganappy self!" "what's wrong with yo shagganappy hair?!" "Girrrrrrl puleeeeeze, that outfits looking all SHAGGANAPPY"...AHAHAHAHHA...the possiblilities are ENDLESS!!!
MEANWHILE we keep messin with each other on photo stream...
Alll of the sudden STULTZ, who was WAAAAAAAAAAAY behind catches up to us!!! Now the photo stream changes...
There is ONE THING about the LPC girls, we'll compete against each other buuuuuuuuut if a guy starts beating us, we will then band together IN ONE ACCORD TO BEAT THE GUYS!!! That's the way LPC girls ROLL!!!
Soooooooo here we are now, mine and Stultz's game pieces on the board...TIED!!!!
Another word comes annnnnd we TIED AGAIN!!!
Finallllly we're at the VERY END...only one more move...sooooooo this is THE LAST WORD!!! We only have one box left to move too.. i'm like GOD PULEEEEEZE LET ME BEAT STULTZ...PULEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!We do the VOTE and Tommy is reading it off...I had such a good FAKE definition that EVEN STULTZ voted for the enemies word...Denae is like, that's it, a point for MARY...SHE is at the end SHE WON!!! Stultz is like, HOLD up because the definition that YOU TWO VOTED for was MY DEFINITION soooooooo that's TWO POINTS for me...he moves his pieces...
Bam! BAM! He's all...I"M OFF THE BOARD NOW...
I WON!!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuugggggh!!!! I was SCREAMING SOOOO LOUD!!!! I was like WHATEVERRRR...I took my game piece and through it to the person that it belonged...HERE'S YOUR LIP GLOSS BACK!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!
.AHAHAHAHA!!! Actually, it was a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY fun game!!! We had a total blast!!! Annnnnnnd really, i'm going to be a GOOD SPORTSWOMAN about losing annnnnnnd say it from my blog, CONGRADULATIONS ON WINNING STULTZ!!! I didn't think it was possible buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...
LIAR THAN ME!!! :)))))
♥Mary Frances :)