Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Today I want to share with you all,  THE BEST DREAM I've ever had!!! I've had good dreams and I've had bad dreams, NIGHTMARES, buuuut more than anything, I've had A LOT of good dreams!!! As single woman, you can imagine what MANY of  those good dreams are, yup, me walking down the aisle with, dunt-dunt-ta-da, to the wedding march music, you know YOU ALL have the same kind of dreams too...Its like THE BEST dream...THEN YOU WAKE UP!!! Aaaaauuuughhh!!!
Recently I had this REALLY amazing, dream that I was looking at a photograph of a bride AND IT was ME ...annnnnnnnnnnd OMW I LOOOOOOKED SOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!! (I'm saying that in a humble-to-God-be-ALL-the-glory-way!;) Not even lying people, that's what I thought when I was looking at the picture!!! And you know it was a dream cuz I didn't even question who the groom was, I just looked at the picture and thought I looked GOOOOOD!!! AHAHAHAH!!! I woke up thinking, WOW, some man is gonna be really blessed...THATS ALL IM SAYIN!!! Hee, hee!!!;)
But you know what, that WASN'T THE BEST DREAM THAT I"VE EVER HAD!!! The best dream I ever had was a dream one time of the rapture. Now I've had rapture dreams before, buuuuut they were really NIGHTMARES because the trumpet blew and I wasn't going up!!! However, IN THIS DREAM, the rapture happened and I felt myself in slow-motion beginning to rise up in the sky. Now obviously we know what the Bible says and that in reality its going to happen quicker than a blink of the eye, but this was just a dream.
 I remember in my dream as I was going up, it was the most satisfying feeling I have ever felt in my life. I was GOING UP! I was ON MY WAY TO HEAVEN!!! I kept thinking, Its the rapture and I'm NOT being left behind! I made it! I made it!!! I MADE IT!!!
We get SO CAUGHT up on our earthly dreams! Marriage, babies, cars, careers, vacations, homes, education, wealth,  but my friends may I tell you something, there is NO dream or desire that we have here on this earth, that is going to surpass the feeling we are going to feel when we get to heaven. Oh if we could get something inside of us that will make us long for heaven like we long for our earthly dreams. You guys there is really nothing that is going to compare to knowing that you made it to heaven. That is our ULTIMATE GOAL! OUR ULTIMATE DREAM!!! "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;" (Titus 2:13)
We're living this life, to live again!!! Don't get to comfortable, this world is NOT our home!!! Nothing else will really matter, when we see Jesus face to face. Think about it! Dwell on it! Imagine it! Dream It! Jesus is coming back, he has split the eastern sky, Gabriel has sounded the trumpet, and YOUR GOING UP!!! Up! Up! UP!!!!
"Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:17)
♥Mary Frances :)