Saturday, March 14, 2015

Holy Ghost Baby doll!!!!

Soooooooo when I got the Holy Ghost, my sister and I got it on the SAME night!!! I was six and she was 9!!! She got it first annnnnd me it took me a little longer...I was having SOME HANG UPS...lets just say I had a Classic Mary Moment BEFORE I got the Holy Ghost, buuuuut I'll save that for another blog post...AHAHAHA!!!
Anywayz, as a reward for getting the Holy Ghost, my mom said that my sister and I could pick out something that we wanted at the store!!! This was a HUGE deal for us!!! Getting new things was a rarity for us...We did NOT have a lot of money and we ONLY got new toys on our birthdays, Christmas and TAX RETURN...AHAHA...
Sooo I picked out
this baby doll!!!
Man I ALWAYS played with baby dolls!!! No Christmas or birthday was really complete if I didn't get a NEW baby doll!!! This baby doll is long gone, buuuut I recently came across this picture of me holding her!!! When I saw this picture I IMMEDIATELY new which baby doll that was!!! I was like, THERESA, this is the baby doll I got for getting the Holy Ghost!!!
Awwwww such precious memories!!!
♥Mary Frances :)