Sooooooooo I'm sitting there this morning sipping some hot coffee and warm my hands to keep from freezing, when I had THE MOST brilliant idea EVERRRRR! What if we could make MINI-PORTABLE-FIREPLACES, to keep our hands warm??? Now I know, I know, everyone's like, that's called hand warmers or maybe gloves Mary??? Buuuuuut I've been on a fireplace kick lately, well as in, waiting for one of my brother's to show me how to know IF the chimney thingy is open so I can start a fire...LOL...buuuuuuuut yeah, like, AN ACTUAL LITTLE FIREPLACE FOR YOUR HANDS!!! We'd have to figure it so there wasn't smoke and stuff buuuuut seriously, Wouldn't that just be like, THE COOLEST THING EVERRRRR????
Like, OMW, we could come up with a really cool name for them and EVERYTHING...Maybe something along the lines of a...
I thought about that after like five minutes of brainstorming the idea...OH kind of like a CANDLE...bahahahahahahaha!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeellllll...looks like Bath and Body Works beat me to it!!!
♥Mary Frances :)