Last night at church, a HUGE miracle was discovered after classes!!! Sooooo this is what happened...The kids in our class got 4th of JULY twinkies for a treat, so they were running around like it was just THE COOLEST THING EVERRRRR!
So the kids were like showing off their twinkies to EVERYONE and they show them to someone and they were like, WAIT, you guys got 4th OF JULY TWINKIES for a treat ANNNNNNND THE 4th OF JULY HASN'T EVEN PASSED YET???

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! So true, Sooooooooooo TRUE!!! With them candy clearance sales, you do Christmas in July, Valentine's day in the fall????? UH YEAH, FALLING IN LOVE WITH JESUS, and we just happen to celebrate THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST ALL YEAR LONG annnnnnnd Heeeeeey that's NOT a Ghost or a skeleton, THAT'S THE HOLY GHOST ANNNNNND IF YOUR FEELING DEAD LIKE A SKELATON, JESUS CAN MAKE YOU ALIVE!!!! BAHAHAHAHA!!! I was like, HEEEEEEEY you NEVERRRR KNOW, these twinkies COULD be from LAST 4th OF JULY!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! JK! JK!!! Juuuuuuuust KIDDDDDING!!!
♥Mary Frances :)