Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Happy Brain-boosting Wednesday!!!

Here's your middle-of-the-week brain booster!!!
"Did  Do you know???..."
What the MALE Biblical equivalency is to a VIRTUOUS WOMAN??? You know how in Proverbs 31, the Bible describes a pure woman, married OR single, as a VIRTUOUS WOMAN...
Soooo what is a good, pure man described as? 
Think about it, A VIRTUOUS WOMAN and A ___________ MAN!!!
                            (Fill in the blank) 
Keep scrolling down for the answer!!!
(James 5:16)
A friend asked me that question a long time ago, I was VERY STUMPED, even AFTER they gave me the reference James 5:16 when I couldn't figure it out as a clue, I was like ummmmmm...A FERVENT MAN??? BAHAHAHA!!! I'm REALLY sloooooooooooow sometimes...hee, hee!!! NOW, go ask YOUR friends and see IF THEY can figure it out too!!! 
"...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllll NOW YOU DO, annnnnnnnnd don't you FORGET IT!!!" (AIO BTV quote;)
♥Mary Frances :)