Weeeeeeeeeeelllllll this month I got down to a GRAND total of 91 pounds lost...WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!! I would LIKE to try and get down to 259 by the end of this month, I don't know if I will BUUUUUUUT I am going to PUSH for it...Like a woman in labor...okaaaaaaaay maybe not that much...ahahaha...Like the epidural version of that...bahahaha!!! I have my one year with my surgeon at some point this month of October and I would REALLY like to impress him with a 100 pound grand total loss...I have lost 20 pounds since my last check up with him buuuuut I would like to impress a LITTLE bit more!!!
Sooooooooooo the other big thing in September was being able to fit on ALL the rides at Knottsberry farm!!! That was such a HUUUUUUUGE deal for me!!! you have know idea how much I have ALWAYS wanted to get on the silver bullet, the supreme scream, the ghost rider and THIS YEAR, FINALLLLLLY!!!
Okaaaaaaaaaaaay to be perfectly honest, there was a kiddie ride in Camp Snoopy I didn't fit on buuuuuut I don't think that counts since I'm NOT a kid!!! BAHAHAHA!!!
Sooooooooo for coffee, now I can buy a Starbucks drink and keep it in the fridge and drink it every morning for three days or so, drinks NEVERRRRR lasted me that long before!!! I usually downed a drink in less than 10 minutes!!! LOL
Of course MORE fitting into clothes...Hee, hee!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd I'm back to my beloved HIKING!!!
The exercise that NEVERRRR bores me!!!
I plan to tackle Squaw Peak by the end of this month!!!
Soooooooo Goals for October are:
1. get down to 259
2. Hike Squaw Peak
3. Start practicing running for the Fountain Hills Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving!!!
4. Buy a new Fitbit
♥Mary Frances :)