Reading - Currently just the Bible cuz i'm waiting for some books to order.
Singing - Worth-"You thought I was worth keeping, SO YOU CLEANED ME UP INSIDE..." Can't get that song out of my head!!!
Listening - Audible Stories and AIO!!! Currenlty in the middle of my first Biblical historical fiction by Lyn Austin, Gods and Kings.
Walking - Uh the malls and mountains!!!
Running - Just the aisles at church!!!
Laughing - Ummmm Nothing imparticular comes to mind buuuuut THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MY STRENGTH!!!
Smiling - Because God is GOOOOOD!!!
Praying - That I can be a good friend and a good sister and asking for God to give me wisdom to say the right things when the people I love need me!!!
Accepting - That God's ways are NOT MY WAYS!!!

Looking forward to - To all the upcoming events!!!
Learning - History is actually pretty interesting when it's written well!!!
Annnnd how to make THIS PIE From Southern Living!!!

Writing - Ummmmm blog posts!!!
Finishing - The dishes!!!