I had to do things to entertain myself on the 10 hr drive to Roswell...Hee, hee!!!
Writer's gonna write, write, write, write, WRIIIIIIIIIITE, write it up, write it up!!!!
Soooooooo when we got to Joe and Anali's in Roswell, THE FIRST thing lil Miss Alina did after she saw me, was reach for the toy I had given her for Christmas!!! Not sure if it was a coincidence or NOT, buuuuuuuuuut I LIKE TO THINK that she remembered that I had given it to her!!! Hee, hee!!!
MAKING HER to get pics with her Auntie Mary!!!
The three of us, look at that lil smile on her face!!!
The next day we headed out to Ruidoso about 1.5 away from Roswell
What I looooove about this town is that theme is BEARS...Liiiiiiike MAR BEAR...sooooo my home!!! hee, hee!!!
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay so Anali told us about this AMAAAAAZING lil coffee shop in Ruidoso called SACRED GROUNDS, if you all go there, YOU HAAAAAAVE to try it, it's SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!
My sister and I split the breakfast sandwich, egg, ham, pepper jack cheese and green chilis on a FLUFFY cheddar cream cheese biscuit...it was SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! and honestly it was HUGE!!! I ate half of my half and then saved the other half of my half for later!!!
The thing that was sooooooooo cool about this café was that there was an outdoor deck that you could sit on to enjoy eating from...with the forest and a creek to overlook, with GORGOUSE WEATHER...it was PERFECT!!!
After breakfast were going to go down to the creek, buuuuuuuuut ANOTHER man that was eating breakfast on the deck, told us that the town of Ruidoso was having a BED-RACING-FLOAT-PARADE-RACE that was starting in 10 minutes, weeeeeeeelllll of course we couldn't just miss an a once in a life time opportunity like this....LOL...
Really, it almost seemed like the kinda thing that would be going on in ROSWELL, only it woulda been ALIENS in UFOs … HA!!!
After the parade, we walked back to Sacred Grounds and went exploring behind by the creek,
it was sooooooooooo PRETTY, I just loved it!!!
Levi convinced me to try some of the creek water...it wasn't bad...LOL
I looooove this, cuz we're walking down the steps to the creek when Levi stops dead in his tracks, GASPS, then points and says,
I was like, UMMMMMM, Levi, I'm pretty sure that's JUST A BLACK CAT!!! bahahahaaaa!!!
After hanging out at the creek for a good, long while, just chillaxing and enjoying ourselves, we walked back out to the lil town and walked the streets just looking at all their fun lil shops!!!
Anna took this pic for her husband...LOL...she said he would think it was funny!!!We hung out at this yogurt and boba shop for a LOOOOONG TIME
It had all these cool games to play!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnd ROCKING CHAIRS!!!! have I ever told you guys that I ADORE ROCKING CHAIRS????
I saw this book annnnnd REALLLY wanted it, buuuuut held off considering it was $45!!! LOL
This phone was in a "VINTAGE" shop, I'm sooooooooo NOT into VINTAGE or trying to make things look VINTAGE, I'm like, WHYYYY would you want to make something look OLD, when you could spray GLITTER on it INSTEAD???
Anywayz, I saw this phone and was like, OMW, I remember having one of those in our house when I was a kid and could NEVERRRR figure out how to use it!!! I was thinking, NO WONDER guys didn't wanna call girls, WHO WOULD when it takes just 10 mintutes to get the number dialed!!! LOL
Hanna Foster...Her mom was my first friend when we moved from NYC when I was 3!!!
We hiked around this lake, I think it was like 2 miles or something like that!!!
Very beautiful scenery, I really LOOOOOVE the outdoors and beautiful weather!!!
Then Anna found this tractor annnnnnnd had this idea that this was the perfect spot for me to take a portrait, SOOOO I DID!!! Then convinced EVERYONE to take one!!! LOL
Of course, THEN we were STARVED, soooooooooooo we went to go eat in town...
Now this place had some BOMB PIZZA!!!
We got this appetizer where they roast garlic then you put it on this bread, buuuuuut I justdid it ITALIAN style, skipped the bread and straight up ate almost two WHOLE THINGS of roasted garlic!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd walking in the rain...my favorite thing everrrr!!!
I wanted this pillow, and then to say,
(Buuuuut soooooo are malls)
Stopped at a random fruit stand on the way back to Roswell...Annnnnnnnnnnnd reunited with my lil buddies!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnnd OFF TO AMA CAMP the next morning...
We caravanned with the Roswell church annnnnnd BTW, EVERYONE from the Roswell church TOTALLY SPEEDS...i'm jus sayin...BAHAHAAA!!!
Next week I'll do a post about Camp...
♥Mary Frances :)