This past Saturday, October 6th, Martin and Lucero got married!!!
This couple came to our church at the very end of July seeking to be baptized. They had both just been baptized the week before at another church, but upon looking it up on his own accord, Martin realized that they need to be baptized in Jesus name, not just in the titles, father, son and holy ghost. He looked up three different Pentecostal church to call and enquire about being rebaptized in Jesus name. The first 2 churches didn't answer but Pastor, who does not normally answer the phone during the time Martin was calling, answered. That evening they came and were baptized in Jesus name. Soon after being baptized in Jesus name, they were both filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe that God specifically wanted this very special couple in our church.
The Bride and her daughter, Little Miss Bella!!!
The Groom!!!
The groom and his new BROTHAS!!!
The KIDS!!!
Martin's younger siblings, his 2 sons and Lucero's daughter Bella...that was the first we saw Martin's son's they are super cuuuute...Mini Martins!!! LOL
First glimpse of his bride!!!
My favorite part was that pastor talked about how they can't go back and undo their past, but they can change the future by doing what is right and because of their decision to do what right in God's eyes, they were changing the future for their children and that one day, because of their decision today, their own children would be able to have the opportunity to one day stand before God pure on their wedding day. There is ALWAYS HOPE TO CHANGE!!!
Anna's chicken enchiladas, rice and beans, we all CHOWED!!!
Martin and Lucero, we love you guys, God is going to do great things with you all and through you all...I pray that there will be MANY KIDS ADDED TO OUR CHURCH FROM YOU TWO!!! Be fruitful and multiply, that is God's command!!! Wooooohooooo!!!
♥Mary Frances :)