If you knew my mom, you know that she was a WORHSHIPPER!!! If you didn't know my mom, let me tell you something, SHE WAS A WORSHIPPER!!! She worshipped with all her heart and soul. She was loud and she had her tambourine and she shook that thing with all her might! I can still hear her in my mind, Amen-ing and Hallaugh-ing!!!
My mom worshipped with everything that was in her, buuuuuuuuuuut, my mom had physical limitations that kept her from fully worshipping God the way she wholly wanted too! My mom couldn't run the aisles, she couldn't dance in the spirit or jump for joy the way I KNOW she wanted too...She had LIMITATIONS...
Sometimes when I start worshipping God, I start worshipping Him, the way I KNOW my mom ALWAYS WANTED to be able to worship God, ANNNNNNND the way I KNOW she can worship Him NOW!!! She had her physical limitations down here,
Do you have a loved one that's on the other side??? Next time your worshipping God, worship Him like you know they are worshipping God now that they have made it to heaven and are in His presence!!! You'll neverrrrr be able to out worship them while your here on earth, buuuuuuut YOU CAN GIVE IT ALL YOU'VE GOT!!! You can try!!! God is worthy!!! There is coming a day WITHOUT PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS!!! Let's practice NOW for that day!!!
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." (Deuteronomy 6:5)
♥Mary Frances :)