Annnnnnnnnnnd I'm also grateful for humor and laughter!!! Sit back and enjoy a little as you all digest!!! Hee, hee!!!


This has to do with Thanksgiving RIIIIIGHT????

I'm kinda confused? Is it cuz Columbus discovered America or the pilgrims??? Did they come with him or what? Okaaaaaaaaaay don't judge me all my teacher friends, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE...Courtney, Crystal, Jedidah, Liz, Jayne, Lauren, Nicki, Brother A. Foster, Mommy Poo..LOL...MAAAAAAAN, I know waaaaaaaaaay too many teachers!!! Anywayz, don't be judging me for not being sure if that joke has to do with Thanksgiving...How am I supposed to know when THE IMGAGINATION STATION hasn't taken me there yet???????
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay that reminds me, I"M SOOOOOOO THANKFUL FOR ADVENTURE'S IN ODYESSY!!! God bless you Mr. Whitikar for discovering the wonderful town of ODYESSY!! OOOOOOOOH and he was a teacher too...HOLLA!!!
♥Mary Frances :)