What are my options??? That is a question that we ask quite frequently. We are living in a day and age and a society that is BIG on alternatives...Options...choices. You could be on the airplane getting a meal and there is going to be someone that doesn't like what they are being given and they will say, What's my alternative??? Resturaunt menus are filled with OPTIONS for all the different eaters.
There is a vegetarian section, gluten free, low-carb, fat free... People want OPTIONS!!! People want ALTERNATIVES!!!
Everyone wants to hear an alternative to what they should do. Someone Is diagnosed with cancer and the first thing they will be told is, their OPTIONS!!! A girl gets pregnant and people will tell her, these are YOUR OPTIONS!!! There is alternative music, alternative thinking, alternative schools, alternative educations, alternative lifestyles, alternative religions, alternative marriage there is EVEN alternative meat for vegetarians!!!
What really perturbs me is when people think of living for God as just an option. That alternative thinking seeps into our everyday living. But there has to be a time in our life that we decide when it comes to living for God, there are NO ALTERNATIVIVES!!! There are NO OTHER OPTIONS. If things don't turn out the way I planned, OH WELL, I'm gonna KEEP ON LIVING FOR GOD!!! Fixed! It bothers me so much when I hear people say, "I ALMOST backslid!"
I don't say that to sound holier-than-thou, I say it because it is worrisome to me. It means that somewhere in their mind backsliding IS an option in their life. We can't live in a way that says, well I WANT to live for God, buuuuuuuuut if it doesn't work out, I guess I'll jus go back to the world! I have a dear friend that I was extremely close to. I watched as God picked them up from a life of NOTHINGNESS and miraculously changed their life for the better, buuuuuut they NEVER could get it out of their mind that GOING BACK TO THE WORLD, wasn't an option.
There is a bumper sticker that says, "Try Jesus, if you don't like Him, the devil will always take you back!" We can't live with that mentality, we can't just TRY Jesus!!! We have to BURN all of our bridges of alternatives and options in our life till we can say, I can't go back, BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO GO BACK TOO!!! We have to say, THIS IS IT!!! This is my ONLY OPTION!!! There is NO PLAN B!!! I have NO ALTERNATIVES!!!
I can honestly say that the thought of backsliding does NOT enter my mind! You know WHY??? Not because I'm ultra spiritual, buuuuuuut BECAUSE I have NO OTHER OPTIONS!!! Its like what Peter said to Jesus, "Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life." (John 6: 67:68)
Yes, there are times that its HARD!!! Yes there are times that there is sin in my life! Yes there are times that I need an attitude adjustment!!! Yes there are times that I'm confused, bewildered, frustrated, sad, mad, devastated, heartbroken... Buuuuut its like Peter says, TO WHOM SHALL I GO??? I have no alternative for myself outside of a life devoted to living for my God!!! WHAT ELSE IS THERE??? I have NO other plans! I have NO other options!

I have NO alternatives!!!
"My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise" (Psalm 57:7)