Wednesday, October 19, 2022

A scented rose

Sooooo I LOVE roses!!! Roses are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! BUUUUUT have you everrrr noticed that there is a HUGE difference between...
store bought roses and...
home-grown roses???
We have some absolutley BEAUTIFUL roses in our front yard!!!
Oooooo I just LOOOOVE to go out front and take in their lovely scent!!!
Buuuuuuut YOU JUST CAN'T do that with store bought roses!!! For some reason, store bought roses have no scent...which to me, makes them slightly less beautiful! Now don't get me wrong, They're STILL beautiful, just NOT AS BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't help but wonder WHY??? WHY don't store bought roses have a scent??? Are they FAKE??? Nope, they're not fake...they are REAL!!! Touch them, hold them, look at them...THEY ARE REAL ROSES...buuuuut...they have NO SCENT!!!
Sooo, being the incredibly studious person that I am...I decided to do a research paper on the matter...AND...NOT...I googled it online...LOL...and according to GOOGLE the reason WHY store bought roses no longer have a scent is BECAUSE...over time the rose fragrance was bred out of them so that they could grow crop that would last longer!
This really got me to thinking about us as Apostolic Christians!!! that I think that sometimes, we get SOOOO Apostolic looking, that we forget our scent. Don't get me wrong, we're REAL Apostolics, we believe Duetoronomy 6:4, ONE GOD, Jesus name baptism, we have NO DOUBT about our doctrine, we believe holiness through and through...buuuuuut somwhere a long the way, we either forgot or NEVER really discovered our Apostolic scent!!!
OUR TESTIMONY!!! It doesn't matter if your 4th generation Apostolic, or if you were raised by a drug addict...We've ALL GOT A TESTIMONY and we need to know it!!! When I was a baby I was sprinkled in baptism by a Catholic priest, the titles father, son, and Holy Spirit called over me....buuuuuuut I THANK GOD...that there was a man with a burden for NYC that brought THE TRUTH to my Momma!!! AND when I was 6-years-old, I was filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and REBAPTIZED in immersion of water, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!! Just like the Bible says in Acts 2!!! Thats my scent!!! Thats my aroma!!! And I don't ever want to stop smelling of it!!!
I hope, that I don't ever become SOOOOO APOSTOLIC, that my Apostolic scent is bred out of me!!! I want my [future] children to one day know, they may have been born into this, BUT THEY were born SINNERS...destined to hell...BUUUUT... Jesus died for their sins!!! God did something for them!!! And THEY HAVE A TESTIMONY!!!
We've all got a testimony and when we know our testimony and we share our testimony, thats when we go from just being JUST a rose to being a scented rose. Not only are we different on the inside and on the outside, but there is a savor, a smell that comes off of us. People will want to be around us more than others, simply because we can't shutup about the Goodness of God!!!
Are you JUST A ROSE???
OR are you a SCENTED ROSE???
“They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom, and talk of Your power, to make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of His kingdom.” (Psalm 145:11-12)
♥Mary Frances :)