Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy First Monday...

Can you all believe that it's already November???
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan do I have A LOT planned for this month!!! The renaissance dinner this Friday for Judah's birthday! Can you guys believe that kid is already 15??? Crazy!!! Then Saturday starts my first run!!! Sooooo I have four 5K's I've signed up for this month!!! 
Color Run Saturday November 9th
Bubble Run  Saturday November 23rd 
 (This one is free with an insurances price of $10.92 We got a big group from LPC going to this one...that's how we roll...all healthy and stuff...hee, hee;)
Strut Your Stuffing turkey trot (Thanksgiving Morning)
Fat Turkey Run  Saturday November 30th 
The one I am the most excited about is this coming Saturday...I'm literally SIKED about it...Expect to see a MILLION and one pics of me!!! 
Also the Mac and Cheese Festival on the 16th, a play, Thanksgiving...LEFTOVERS...TURKEY SANDWHICHES...yeah...gotta balance out all this good food with a lotta exercise!!! Ooooooh and don't forget, BLACK FRIDAY SHOPPING!!! 
Also, God is doing GREAT things at our church!!! A few weeks ago, the Holy Ghost fell in our Wednesday night class and our little 5 to 8 year olds worshipping God and praying for about 30 minutes, tears streaming down their little cheeks! I'll share more about this soon in another post!!! 
Also, Bro. S'Martin started an outreach amongst the homeless and God is doing a work...after A LOT of thinking and praying and Bro. Ham's message at Arise and talking to my pastor about it... I hesitatingly...decided to join...annnnnd...I'm just gonna be real...Homeless people, ain't really MY THING!!! Buuuuuuut...Jesus came to seek and to save that which is lost...Rich or poor or anything in between, LOST SOULS...they are God's THING!!! 

Going out there for the first time, last week and actually bringing hope to a hopeless soul!!! Praying with a lady who just wanted God to soften her heart enough that she would actually be able to pulls on you!!! And today when we were out there, I said something about someone we had been talking to and S'Martin was like, you know what though Mary, that was ME!!! That's how I was! Smoking pot and preaching to everyone about Jesus...I was like, and NOW!!! You were that...BUUUUUUUUT GOD!!! You should see the absolutely floored look on people's faces when he tells them that he used to sell and do drugs!!! They just can't believe it!!! Martin and Lucero are an absolute MIRACLE!!! 
Weeeeeeeeeelllllll anywayz, what are you all up too???