Friday, August 7, 2020

Mary Recomends!!!! #1

Okaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy so I don't really make it a habit of stopping in at places like BURGER KING, buuuuuuuuuut some of the children I looooooove happen to think BK chicken nuggets! (NASTY!)
Well one day, upon driving through for the kid's beloved nastiness, I noticed a new menu item, 
Burger King Guam - Post - Tumon - Menù, prezzi, recensioni dei ...
Every time I drove through I would see them buuuuuuut resist ordering, I mean, after all, this is BURGER KING we're talking about, how could they possibly have anything worth trying here???
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, the picture LURED me, till FINALLY ONE DAY, I gave in and tried!!!! Let me tell you all something, 
Kinda like, Jalapeno Poppers,
 buuuuuuuuuuuut 100-million times better!!!
These little bites of deliciousness are encrusted in a light crispy adornment and full of thick, creamy, nacho cheese and bits of real, chopped up jalapenos. They have a kick of spice but NOTHING overwhelming, unless your my mom and have absolutely no tolerance for spice at all whatsoever!!! Although their have been suggestions of ranch for dipping, I think they are perfect as are!!!! I love dipping sauces, but with these guys, the dip is already inside them. Adding anything else would be like wearing makeup-DUMB!!!! Jus sayin!!!! ;)
These bites come in a 4 or 8 piece, unless your splitting, I recommend getting the 4 piece, because whatever you get, YOU WILL KEEP EATING till it's finished, trust me, I KNOW!!! 😇 
41 calories a piece, 164 for 4. NOT to bad to be honest, unlike my Pastor's beloved chocolate PB milkshake from Denny's that came in at 1,400 calories! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Depending on which BK you go to, they are about 4 for a $1 some places 4 for $1.50 or 8 for $2.50 either way not to steep!!!!
My overall analysis for the price and calorie intake of BK's Jalapeno Cheddar bites...

♥Mary Frances :)
P.S No BK is not paying me to write this post, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut THEY SHOULD BE!!! ;)
P.P.S What kind of cheese is it if it's someone else's cheese????