Hey friends! I wanted to let you know that this past Thursday my brother John went into the hospital and was tested for Leukemia! Basically, leukemia is a cancer of the blood 🩸 so it is through out the whole body.
He got the results yesterday and they came back positive after 16 years of being in remission. He is starting his first round of chemo tomorrow and only his wife will be able to visit him! He will be hospitalized for at least 30 days, then he will start round two of chemo in August.
Then after that he will be getting a bone marrow transplant…I"m his match! (As long as Im still a match... I have to be retested since its been so long!!!) I’m very excited to be able to this!!! The only thing that would be cooler 😎 than giving him my marrow would be him NEVERRRRR needing it… buuuuut since he does I’m happy to be a part of it!!! It’s really easy to do… sounds more dramatic than it actually is!!! 😆
Please keep him in your prayers! He is only 32, has a wife, a two year old, 5 year old and 6 year old. He is a good dad, husband and brother! Always fixes my car troubles,in fact my car is sitting in his carport at this very moment… and an amazing cook!!! Please keep him and his family in your prayers!!!