And sooooo this is how TEAM EXCELLENCE WAS BORN!!! Me, Tori and Celia-TEAM EXCELLENCE!!!! I explained to the girls that it is my utmost desire to not just make this book a GOOD KID's book, buuuuuuut to make it an excellent kid's book!!! Why settle for good when you can be excellent???
What takes a book from good to excellent??? By going the extra mile to produce the best product you can possibly produce!!!! How do we do this??? Through prayer, studying, and HARD WORK!!! Honing and sculpting our project for God's kingdom!!!“Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him..." (Daniel 6;3)
My utmost desire is to
1. Educate Children- through fun entertainment, at an early age on the Holy Ghost and God's plan of salvation.
2. That this book will be a witnessing tool.
Think about the fact that you can get away with so much witnessing in a kid's book!!! You might not just give ANYONE in the world a witnessing pamplet on the plan of salvation, buuuuuuut you CAN give their kid a book for their birthday AND THEN they'll have to read it to them!!! And even if they don't like it and get rid of it, most people don't throw away a kid's book, they might put it in Goodwill or a yard sale and who knows who will pick it up next!!! I get excited just thinking about it!!!
Soooooo I'm publishing through the #1 Self-publishing company, Outskirts Publishing!!! The top reason I chose them, aside from them having all of the top reviews, is because they PRINT ON DEMAND!!! Print on demand means that no book is actually printed until it is bought! Sooooooo instead of me buying a bunch of copies and trying to figure out how sell them, YOU ALL, can just order the book through Amazon or Barnes and Noble or a ton of other online stores!!!!
Annnnnnd that means I DO NOT have to worry to much about the business aspect of book sales BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW, if I had the books in my hands I would literally be passing them out like cookies!!! My business skills are probably even lower than my math skills and thats PRETTY LOW!!! AHAHAHAAAA!!!
Does anyone have any advertising ideas besides my blog and Holy Ghost Radio??? Advertising expenses can be claimed on my taxes sooooooo let me know!!!
Where am I at right now in this endeavor????
I've signed a contract and down-payment with Outskirts Publishing, they said once everything is submitted to them, it will take about 8 weeks for publication. My tax guy said if I make one sale by the end of the year I can claim ALL my expenses for the project on my taxes next year so that is what I am shooting for! Celia is working on her illustrations and thinks she will be done by August. Tori is fine tuning and honing my writing and ME...weeeeeellll...I"M BLOGGING!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
I asked the girls, I supposed to be doing anything at this point besides payments and my oppinion??? They're like, yaying and naying our work!!! I was liiiiiike, okaaaaayyy cuz you know, I'm pretty chill and NOT very take charge...sooooo if theres something I need to take charge with...PLEASE TELL ME!!!
Last time we all met up for a team meeting, Celia was like ok do you wanna just go through at least the first five pages of where you want the words and illustrations arranged on the pages? I was liiiiiiik, HUH?!?!?! She's like, well you can just show me where you want everything! I was like, Celia...I dooooon't CARE!!! I havn't a clue HOW anything should be arranged!!!
She's like, so your okay with me deciding how it should be arranged? I'm liiiiiike yeeeeesssss!!! She's like, It's YOUR BOOK, are you sure??? I'm liiiiiike, Celia, My talent is writing, I have absolutely NO ARTISTIC TALENT!!! I completely trust your artistic eye!!!! Yes, your technically, working for me, buuuuuuuuuut i am NOT gonna micro-manage everything you do!!! I'm not bossy or controlling ...If I see something that I absolutely abhor I'll let you know but other than that the only thing I have to say is: MAKE IT LOOK AMAAAAAAZING!!! Liiiiiiike, I want there to be drool stains on people's books when they see the feast...That's ALL I care about!!! Hee, hee!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
♥Mary Frances :)