Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Heeeeeeyyyy Blog readers!!!

OMW!!! It's been foreverrrr!!! I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry!!! I've been crazy busy with moving back in to our house!!! ANNNNNND the house is soooooo beautiful!!! I think we I mean MY SISTER whom lets her homeless littlce sister live with her, has THE NICEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD!!! No seriously!!! I mean it, I LOOOOOOVE THE  HOUSE!!! It's soooooo niiiiiice!!! Growing up we were soooooo ghettolicious I neverrrr dreamed we'd have such a nice place to live!!! I remember spending the night with Devi at the Abbott's was liiiiiike this luxury!!! Annnnnd now we have a house like that!! you know, just a plain, relaxing NON-ghetto house---You don't know how nice that is until you grow up with five kids in ONE BEDROOM!!! BAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!
Anywayz, i've been buying my own furniture which is EXPENSIVE!!! Now i'm liiiiike so thats WHY adults yell at you for being rough on the furniture...I GET IT!!! Sooooooo my room is looking pretty awesome buuuuuuuuuut it still has a wayz to go before being done---- soooooooo you have to WAIT for pics!!! I'll give you all a GRAND tour when it's complete!!! Its all VERY MARYISH!!! Which means its a combo of flowers, stuffed animals, boho and glitter!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeelllll thats ME!!!
Also, whats going on with THE BOOK??? Weeeeeeeelllll its STILL in the works....it's been a little slow with Heritage, the move and the illustrator and editor both had covid and the author has been a little tight with the cash buuuuuuut other than that things are moving forward-whoop, whoop!!! I think we've reevaluated our original goal buuuuuuuuut thats OK!!! I'm still 100% further along with this book than I was at this time last year!!!! Considering the fact that this story was not even written last year, just an idea in my head and a distant, far off dream!
What else??? Weeeeeeeelllll I need a new car- my emissions expires in October and we can't get the check engine light off and it won't pass emissions without it!!! I have the money, I'm just waiting for a good car!!! I mean, I need help cuz the last car I got without help only lasted a month----It might have been a few days longer if I hadn't crashed it buuuuuut ya know!!!! I told my pastor I'm looking for a small car that is just dependable, good on gas, good AC annnnnnnd I'd prefer HOT PINK buuuuuut that's NOT a must!!!! (I can settle for another color;)
Reading/listening!!! Sooooooooo I looooove books buuuuuut don't like to sit for hours being unproductive and if it's a good book, I will NOT stop until i'm done, sooooooooo im a HUGE Audible fan and my friend Kim Ramos just introduced me to a new REALLY GOOD series called 
The High Society Lady Detective series by Sara Rosett 

annnnnnnd they are SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! She is not a Christian author, buuuuuuuuut her books are CLEANER than MOST Christian authors!!! They are such a fun series, I already finished the whole series and am soooooooo excited she has like 20 more books already written!!!
Oh yeah, you guys REALLY NEED to check out some of the adorabley cuuuuuuuuuuute and great priced shirts that Nuggles has right now!!!! 
You guys, I get soooooo many compliments on this shirt!!! I got one in my size, 3x, in every color, EXCEPT snake print because I abhor snake print and will NOT wear it!!! buuuuut yeah you guys, these shirts look super cute and fancy yet they feel like the comfiest clothes everrrr!!! Light weight annnnnd NOT SEE THROUGH at all and high necked buuuuuut the ruffle isn't choking!!!! My pastor's wife loved the brown paisley one I wore to Friday night prayer!!! I told her she needed to go order one cuz they're ONLY $9.99!!! Then I was walking away and I said, ANNNNNND SISTER ABBOTT, JUST SOOOOO YOU KNOW, IF YOU SPEND A $100 THEN SHIPPING IS FREE!!! My pastor was like, "Mary! GO HOME!!!" it was soooooo funnnnnnnyyy!!!
Bone marrow transplant is coming up...I will give you more details on that later this week!!! and I PROMISE I will do posts for the month of June, July, my birthday and Heritage!!! 
Oh yeah guys ONE MORE THING!!! it's officially FALL SEASON AGAIN!!! Pumpkin Spice Latte's are BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!! And the PSL is THE ONE THING that Starbucks beats everyone in!!!! I've tried the PSL at every coffee shop and I wanted to Starbucks to be beat BUUUUUUUT they won!!! They just can't be beat and they came back TODAY!!! 
My sister surprised me with one this morning and
 she even remembered that I only drink them warm!!!
annnnnnd then I figured I should just splurge on a pumpkin muffin too 🤷🤷
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd I try NOT to drink sugary drinks daily, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut when I saw that Starbucks had another NEW FALL DRINK out this year, I just HAD TO GET IT!!! 
AmaaaaaaaZing with a capital Z!!! 
Oh YES, that's ANOTHER NUGGLES shirt!!! I think at this point they should just hire me to model- I mean they could pay me in clothing!!! ;) 
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll thats all for now folks, I promise to get back into the blogging routine!!! And thanks to all 450 of you that have STILL been checking my blog despite my lack of writing-you guys are AWESOME!!!!
P.S. It was also VERY STUPID of me to drink coffee this late in the day...I hope I fall asleep tonigh...UGH...buuuuuut that drink was sooooooo GOOD!!!!