Soooooooo I’ve been needing a new car, I have the money saved for one buuuuuuut I’m just waiting cuz you know I’m just a girl that knows NOTHING about cars, except how to crash them!!!😅😇 jus sayin!!! 🤷♀️
Weeeeeeeeeellll this morning I went to take the kids to school and my car like choked and stuttered and then finally turned on!!!! I was liiiiiike oh maaaaaannn…I really need a new car 🚙… that has GOTTA be the engine going completely now!!!!
Then I paused and thought 💭… hmmmm…
I wondered that for about five seconds, then I backed out of the carport and we were on our way to our church school 🏫!!!
About 3 minutes laterrrr ⏰… I found out that It ACTUALLY WAS THE GAS ⛽️ NOT MY ENGINE!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t you just hate when that happens???? 🙄
Believe it or NOT, that was ACTUALLY my first time to run out of gas!!! Thankfully I have three brothers to come to the rescue!!! One to pick me up and push the car into safety, one to have gas tank filled with gas ⛽️ annnnnnnd one to give out directions to everyone even from the hospital 🏥!!!! Bahahahahaaa
Soooooooooo the moral of the story is, NEXT TIME YOU THINK 🤔 YOU BLEW YOUR ENGINE… Go ahead and check to see if your low fuel ⛽️ light 💡 is on!!!! Hee, hee
I wonderrrrr… if it takes three brothers to rescue me from all my happenings… how’s just ONE HUSBAND gonna be able to handle me???? Ahahahaaa