Okaaaaaaaayyyy sooooooo I knoooooow I’m supposed to be posting for you all about the AWESOME LANDMARK CONFERENCE my church ⛪️ just hosted and I did upload the pictures buuuuuut I’m still in the process of writing everything!!! MEANWHILE…
Let me tell you all about my lovely little friend KarenZa!!!
I have known this girl for years and years since she was a young teenager I believe when we became friends and I’m pretty sure I was already an adultISH person at this point but she’s in her 20’s now so it’s been AT LEAST 10 years that we’ve been friends and I learned something NEW about her this year…
I literally did NOT EVEN KNOW THAT!!! So I’m hanging out after church ⛪️ with her and her sister and some other girls and someone says that out of her and her sister Gabby, Karenza is THE QUIET ONE!!! I was liiiiiiiike, WAIT, YOUR QUIET???? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS????
I mean we’ve been friends for YEARS!!!!
I was like WOWWWWW!!!
What’s funny is that, I oddly don’t notice that much when people are quiet people!!!! Like I know they’re not like me, but I don’t really realize how quiet they actually are!!! Someone said it’s because I just talk to them anyways and get them to talk back to me…whereas they’re talking to me more than they do to most people so I don’t see them as quiet as other people see them…Which I guess is true… I’m inquisitive and I don’t just like to talk buuuuut I enjoy drawing words out of other people as well…
buuuuuuuut where I don’t really notice if some is quiet, IF SOMEONE TALKS A LOT… I sooooooooo notice!!! I’m just liiiiike, yeah, they talk A LOT!!!! Not that it’s annoying, I just definitely notice… the only time I really can’t take it is if they just completely dominate and overpower every conversation…. IM JUST LIIIIIIIKE NOOOOOOOO!!! š I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!!!!
Sooooooo anywayZ, after all these years, I found out that my beautiful, lovely, sweet little friend is also quiet… btw: if there’s any on fire for God guys out there that happen be great conversationalists, she’s SIIIIINGLE!!!! š jus sayin š
See you at The ONE GOD CONFERENCE GIRRRL!!! š ♥Mary Frances :)