Conqueror's Conference!!!
Every year after Christmas, Faith Tabernacle Church,
Bro. Connor's church, in Tuscon Arizona, hosts my most favorite conference ever!
I really LOVE this conference...EVEN more than HERITAGE!!!
What can I say?! It was AWESOME!!!! OMW!!!
I honestly had such a blast with all my friends!!!
I have made SOOO many new friends in the last two years...
its like SOOOO COOL!
Kinda weird though, that I have MORE friends at 26 then I EVER did at 16! LOL
Seriousley this past conference was one of the FUNNEST EVER!!!
HAHAHA!!! Anyways, aside from all the fun, Conqueror's Conference was spiritually very uplifting! The services were INCREDIBLE!!! I think I was the most touched with Bro. Connor's message on how to be successful in 2010- PRAY, READ your BIBLE and GO TO CHURCH! So simple and yet sOOOO powerful! Then hand in hand with that was the message Bro. Garrett preached the last night about being used of God. I was at the alter praying the last night and I just kept asking God, WHAT it was he wanted me to do to be used by him, and It just kept going through my mind... PRAY! READ YOUR BIBLE! GO TO CHURCH! PRAY! READ YOUR BIBLE! GO TO CHURCH! PRAY! READ YOUR BIBLE! GO TO CHURCH! I was like Ooooooooo okaaaaaaaaay! Got it! :)
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to view Conqueror's Conference pictures!!!