My pastor's wife, Sis. VaNeSSSA Abbott, taught us a REALLY awesome lesson at the ladies retreat in Prescott several weeks ago. (Btw- she is a REALLY good speaker to anyone that is interested. You should use her!!! She is inspiring AND funny!!! Totally made me snort!;) She taught about finding the will of God for your life. Here are a few things she said...
*What are you good at?!
* You have to do WHAT God called you to do!
* God called you to something before you were even born.
Figure out WHAT the Lord's will is...
1. If it contradicts the word of God- FORGET IT!!! Psalm 119:5 Wanna know what is right? GET IN THE WORD!!!
2. Spirit filled- The HOLY GHOST will lead you into ALL truths.
3. Pray- spend time with God. How can you know what he wants for you if you NEVER spend time with him?!
4. Talk to your pastor- seek council from those that l0ok out for you!
5. (This is an extra from Mr. Whitikar) PEACE!!! When something is RIGHT and the will of GOd you will have a certain peace in your heart that you KNOW it is right!
* God will NEVER call you to someone else's job!!! Don't try and take what God has given to someone else. Even if you feel called...wait for YOUR job or whatever! ;)
* Trust in God and he will make it work perfectly with your church and in you.
* When your in his will he will fulfill his purpose in you.
"Stay open to his direction and redirection...
and he will take you on an adventure that satisfies your unique design...
and surpasses your wildest dreams"
(Vanessa Abbott)
Take ME Jesus!!!
I'm READY for an AWESOME adventure together!!! :)