IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!! OMW!!! All of us that are going from LPC ARE ABSOLUTLEY SIKED!!!
This is like THE AWESOMEST RIDE EVER!!! Located in Ghost town...Careen through the darkness of a twisting 2,100-foot waterway at speeds of 8 - 12 feet per second and plummet down a furious flume propelled by 24,000 gallons of water at your back.
This is like THE AWESOMEST RIDE EVER!!! Located in Ghost town...Careen through the darkness of a twisting 2,100-foot waterway at speeds of 8 - 12 feet per second and plummet down a furious flume propelled by 24,000 gallons of water at your back.
AND my ultimate goal is to read my water proof Bible while on here and NOT lose the Bible!!!
HAHAHA!!! I have some pretty awesome aspirations in life, ya know!? ;)
AnywayZ, I cannot wait for all the people that I am going to get to see ESPECIALLY all my blog friends that I will be meeting for THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! Sis. Kathy, Kendra Thaler and her husband AND Meghan Rowell!!! I canNOT wait to meet you all!! And we HAVE to get pics together too! I have a REALLY cool camera that does self-protraits...IT actually has a screen in the front too...HOW totally cool is that!?!?!?!
ALSO, I LOVE MEETING PEOPLE!!! So if you see me please come over and say hi!!! I am NOT a SNOB!!! LOL I have been told before that I seemed that way...BUT I PROMISE you I AM NOT!!! LOL!!! Sometimes I don't reconize people, or i'm just kind of airheaded and get confused or forget that I already met a person, or sometimes I meet someone, then they start talkin to meet the next night and I don't know its them cuz their wearin a different outfit...I KNOW...for SURE airhead...LOL...or sometimes i'm just straight up SHY!!! I know, thats HARD to believe BUT I am for like the first two seconds of meetin someone...SOOOOO EVERYONE PLEASE say hi!!! I REALLY do want to meet you ALL!
Well cya all TOMORROW!!!
I gotta go pack, we're leavin the church at 8 am tomorrow morn!!!