I've been thinking a LOT about some things lately...Pondering matters and not coming up with the right answer. However, today Bro. Sam Karlson preached a message about the word of God. It was such a simple message but it spoke so clearly. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet...ALL of the answers to even the HARDEST questions of life CAN be found IN THE BIBLE!!! When I've prayed and prayed and prayed and still don't know what to do...I NEED to read MORE and MORE and MORE of God's word!!! There is NO problem in life that CAN NOT somehow be solved THROUGH the word that God has written to His people! I remember one time Bishop Abbott asking us what do we think is MORE important; Praying OR reading your Bible? Of course I kinda thought prayer was. However, Bishop Abbott said that although they are basically equally important, " Praying is YOU talking to God, but THE BIBLE is God speaking to US!!!" I was like, oh WOW! AND if you think about it, we wouldn't even KNOW about praying if it weren't for the word of God!
The Bible should be the foundation of our education...
The Bible is the heart of ALL MATTERS!!!
The word of God IS LOVE...God's love!!!
.The Bible should be our covering, the roofing in our homes...
.The word of God will lead us and Guide us
and tell us where to go when we don't know which way to choose!
.The Bible will light our way when everything is dark...
The word of God should be bound to our heart!
The word of God is our weapon to fight OFF the enemy!
The BIBLE brings us eternal life with Christ.
You CAN NOT lose a battle with the word of God!!!
For God's word is ALWAYS right!!!
The Bible is how we should BEGIN and END our day!!!
Thy WORD have I HID IN MY HEART...that I might not SIN against thee!!!
I Pray God, ENGRAVE your word in me, that it may NEVER be erased!!!
Some blog posts about the word of God that have seriousley spoken to me when reading them can be found HERE and HERE Please read these...You WILL BE TOUCHED!!!
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