All I can say is that you guys do NOT want to miss this conference!!! It IS one of THE BEST conferences ever!!! In fact, this IS MY FAVORITE CONFERENCE!!! Before WCC, before Heritage, before ANY OTHER conference, this would be my FIRST CHOICE!!! Last year Bro. Connor preached a message that was absolutley UNFORGETTABLE and it has stuck with me throughout this year!!! The message was called, "How to be successful in 2010" WOW!!! I wish that there was a way I could post a link for you all to listen to will NEVER look at your Bible and your walk with God the same way!!! I have been attending Conqueror's Conference since I was about ten and i'm 27 now...sooooo about 17 years...LOL! I havn't miss a year YET!!! ;) As a young person, I have so many incredible memories due to Conqueror's Conference!!!
WHAT are people saying about this conference?
When asked what God has done for him at Conqueror's Conference, Landon Cash says, "A complete healing of kidney stones, annointed preaching, annointed song service, my first time the running aisles!!"
Jacqueline Cleveland says, "I can think of a million memories! From over the years...Oh the Fresh Fire Sermons...Unforgettable Messages...The singing...Before & After service fellowship......Sports Night...The banquet...The late night sitting in the lobby on the last night...Oh the memories, I think I could talk for a couple hours on that subject!!!" (Yes Jac, we're SURE you could! ;)
Pastors wife, Sis. Angie Portillo says, "This is a wonderful Holy Ghost conference for our youth. I'm a lot older than the youth, but oh how I love the pressence of the Lord that falls when we meet together. We at Temple de Fe are planning on taking our youth."
Freddie Hidalgo says "I was baptized in 2003 and repented for my sins for the first time under the ministry of Ron Garrett. I was delivered and set free at Conqueror's Conference. It will always be my favorite Conference and I will attend until Jesus comes or I go." It was at a Conqueror's Conrence that this young man was set free of evil spirits and delivered from drugs. Freddie Hildalgo is currently married to a Godly young woman. Together they have two children and another one on the way. Bro. Freddie is now the pastor of thriving revival church in Maricopa AZ.
Thank you Conqueror's Conference!!!
Youth leaders, youth pastors, youth, parents, I HIGHLEY reccomend this conference!!! TAKE YOUR YOUTH!!! This is a place where you don't have to worry about the atmosphere, the music, the dress!!! It's worth the work, it worth the time, its worth the effort!!! I've cried sooo many tears in the alter at this conference and yet at the same time, I have had sooo much fun and made soooo many new friends...OH and how many GHETTO Golden Corral banquet dates have I been on?!?! Oh man...I wouldn't trade those date for the prom...EVER...HAHA!!! Seriousley, what better way to end AND start the year!!!
You do NOT want to miss it!!! :)
P.S. The FIRST of the monthly Apostolic Male Model posts that we ALL love was born at CC last year!!