"I'm shootin for the moon, an I'm in a spaceship, an this spaceship don't even have rear view mirrors, so that means I ain't even tryin to look back." (Samuel Andrews)
My friend Samuel said this and I was like THATS the AWESOMEST quote ever... I'm soo BLOGGIN it!!! He says, "your gonna blog it?" I'm like, YES!!! I love it!!! Its like soooo ghetto, yet sooo profound. "...An this spaceship don't even have rear veiw mirrors..." <----- SOOO Ghetto...BUT sometimes I think we need to GET GHETTO!!!
Often times its the luxurious things in life that are holding us back in the kingdom of God! We have everything figured out just right. We're still in our comfort zone. We know all of our surroundings, we have our seat belts on, our seats just right, and our mirrors adjust perfectly. We're moving forward but we can still see behind us.
You don't need to see what's behind. Leave your past and just go. In the Bible, before destroying the City in Genesis 19, God tells lot and his family, "...Escape for thy life; look not behind thee..." However, Lot's wife did look back and she was turned to a pillar of salt.
What did lots wife need that she looked back? The WHOLE city was being consumed by fire, what did she need??? NOTHING!!! When your buried in the name of Jesus, THERE IS NOTHING in your past that you need to look back too. Looking back to this old world will ONLY destroy you.
What did lots wife need that she looked back? The WHOLE city was being consumed by fire, what did she need??? NOTHING!!! When your buried in the name of Jesus, THERE IS NOTHING in your past that you need to look back too. Looking back to this old world will ONLY destroy you.
" But Jesus said to him, “No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
We need to leave behind the things that are holding us back. You don't need NO rearveiw mirrors living for God. Who cares if your spaceship is a little ghetto?! You don't need the bestest, fanciest transportation to get to heaven.
We need to leave behind the things that are holding us back. You don't need NO rearveiw mirrors living for God. Who cares if your spaceship is a little ghetto?! You don't need the bestest, fanciest transportation to get to heaven.
All you need to do is get on the straight path, rip off those rearview mirrors and make up your mind...
I'm on my way to heaven and...
"I ain't EVEN TRYIN to look back!!!"