Weeeellll as I told you all HERE in Weekend Blessings, I have another blessing from God that jI ust HAD to share with you ALL!!! Soooooooooo I had been praying for a new black skirt. Now you have to understand that I wasn't totally out havin a black skirt, it was that I had one thats really cute, BUT its all ruffles, and I have another one but it is VERY fancey like a ballroom skirt and then my other one that is just plain was gettin REALLY, REALLY warn out...like it just didn't even look good at all anymore...I just wanted a plain, black skirt, BUT I'm kind of picky in that my skirts have to be really long
So I was like, WELLL I don't even know WHERE to start lookin for a new black skirt but I just prayed, ok God, I need a new PLAIN, LONG, black skirt...you what i like....you know what I need...You know what i'm talkin about...then I went to sleep!!!
Well then next morning I got up and was lookin through my closet to see what I was going to wear for the day and I was like, OMW...NO WAAAAAY!!!!!! There was a really long, plain, black skirt hanging up in my closet!!! I was just like WHOA God...where did this come from???
Like I mean, I know God is God and all, BUT how in the world did that get in my closet over night?!?! Sneaky, sneaky...I tell ya!!! ;)
Soooooooo I pull it out all the waaaaaaay and I was like OOOOO..
It had TWO LAYERS...soooooooo I flipped the flower layer inside and VOILA.......
I REALLLY did have a NEW BLACK SKIRT!!!!!!
For FREE!!!!
Isn't it soooo awesome how God opened my eyes to this black skirt, the VERY next morning??? God is soooooo amaZingly cool like that!!! Thank you JESUS for ANOTHER BLESSING!!!
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious
riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)
♥Mary Frances :)