WHY I need to marry a HOT GUY!!!
Okaaaaaaay soooo I'm sure you have been DYIN to know the answer to these two questions!!! Like AT NIGHT before you go to sleep, I bet your last thoughts before slumber have been, hmmm...I wonder WHY Mary doesn't NEED to iron her clothes??? FURTHERMORE, I wonder WHY Mary needs to marry a HOT GUY???
Weeeeelllll...these two questions in life are about to be answered!!! Soooo as you all may remember HERE...I wrote about my Ironing Skills...or perhaps I should say the LACK of them!!! HAHAHA!!! Well...my good lil friend Denae Abbott wrote into me with a LOVELY comment. She said...
"Mary, I DON'T like ironing either, but if it has to be done, I do it!!
And when I saw that skirt it DEFINITELY looked like it needed to be
ironed! Haha;) but, when YOU put it on, all the wrinkles just seemed to
disappear! I think you just have a way with clothes...because it had
nothing to do with the hotel tv!"
.After reading her comment...I laughed, BUT THEN I was enlightened with the WHOLE reason WHY I don't need to iron my clothes. It was when she said... "but, when YOU put it on, all the wrinkles just seemed to disappear! I think you just have a way with clothes...because it had nothing to do with the hotel tv!"
When she said those words I said AHA!!! And immediately wrote back with this response
"...its cuz i'm soooo HOT...
when I put on my clothes,
my body heat just irons the wRinkles RIGHT OUT!!!"
Yes, thats RIGHT,
I, Mary Frances Ginty,
am MY OWN IRON!!!!!!!!
Don't be jealous, cuz I don't gotta iron my clothes...
DON'T BE JEALOUS!!! ;) ;) ;)
Don't be jealous, cuz I don't gotta iron my clothes...
DON'T BE JEALOUS!!! ;) ;) ;)
Which also explains...
This isn't ME being shallow, Its not, about looks...I'm just lookin OUT FOR HIM!!! I can't iron very well...I just want him to look nice...For his clothes to look good...I don't want him to have to worry about his nice clothes being burned or holes in them or OH NO for HIM TO ACTUALLY have iron his own clothes by hand...I JUST CARE ABOUT HIM!!! This all about ME wanting, striving to one day be the best wife I can possibley be!!!
"Iron, Iron!!! Wherfore art YOU O Iron???";)
Well there you have it folks, WHY I don't need to iron MY CLOTHES and WHY I need to marry a HOT GUY!!! I hope you can sleep better tonight knowin the answers to these deep questions in life!!! :))))
♥Mary Frances :)