Have you ever wanted or felt the need to prove yourself to someone? I sure have!!! If you have ever been accused of something that you felt was NOT true, there is something inside of you that wants to prove the accuser wrong!!!
Sometime ago, Someone that I know very well, found themselves in this place in life. They were being accused of something that they knew in their heart, without a doubt was NOT true. They were very upset about the whole situation and didn't know what they should. Even though I believed this person, I wasn't really sure what they could do to change their situation. All they could do was say it was NOT true, however, it was just their word against the words of other individuals. In the end, without any proof or evidence, it would just be people taking sides or showing their loyalty to one person over the other.
So I was praying about the situation and I was praying for the person and I was thinkin about this person later on and I was thinkin about how much people love this person. And I heard a person from the world talking about this person and they were talkin about how that was what THEY considered a true Christian and how they wanted to go to church because of this person and I was just thinkin about it and thinkin about it and God gave me a scripture...it just flashed through my mind!!!
And I was like, okaaaay HOW does this relate? And I was like, AHA!!! This scripture is HOW this person can prove themselves!!! I was sooooo EXCITED! I ran to the phone, called them. I'm like, You wanna prove yourself? you wanna prove your innocence? They were like, Uh YEAH!!! I'm like weeeelll HERE IS HOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!
"Ye shall know them by their fruit..." (Matthew 7:16) They were just like...Whaaaat??? Aparently, they had been lookin for an ACTUAL plan of action revealing EVIDENCE that proved their innocence... HAHAHA!!! I'm like thats how you can prove yourself! The Bible says that we will be KNOWN by our FRUIT!!! I'm like, you have a good reputation...people know you and love you and not just in the church but by people in the world. I'm like, if you want to prove yourself, just keeping doing what is RIGHT!!!
Just keep livin right! Just keep reading God's word! Just keep on praying! Just keep on being a witness! Just keep on bringing people to church! Just keep on loving lost souls! Just keep on teaching Bible studies! Just keep on singing! Just keep on worshipping!!! Just keep on KEEPING ON!!! Because...
BECAUSE...If you continue to bear GOOD FRUIT it is GOING TO PROVE yourself!!! "A good tree CANNOT bring forth evil fruit..."(if your heart is right with God, you are NOT EVEN ABLE to bring forth bad fruit.) (Matthew 7:18) I'm like I know this that may not be what you are wanting to hear right now...but I'm tellin you that it WILL WORK!!!
You can TRY telling people all day long, that you are a good person. That your heart is right. That you LOVE God and they may or may not believe you. Its like, ME...I can tell all ya all reading my blog that I'm such a wonderful, awesome, FUNNN person to be around and you may or may NOT believe me, buuuuut, WHEN YOU ACTUALLLLLY hang out with me in for REALZ, you WILL KNOW, just how wonderfully awesome I truely AM!!! ;) Its the same way with proving yourself...people will truely KNOW for themselves, by YOUR FRUIT!!!
Furthermore, I would like to add in that if you believe someone's heart is NOT right, this SAME scripture will prove that person's true self . "...NEITHER, can a CORRUPT tree bring forth GOOD fruit." (Matthew 7:18) Sometimes you can just feel something in your spirit that just doesn't seem right about a person and you can't seem to actually place your finger on what it is...but there is just SOMETHING and you know deep down inside...If a person's heart is NOT right, you don't need to set out to find evidence to try and prove that you are RIGHT about this person...if their heart is NOT right just leave it in God's hands, BECAUSE, the evidence will be shown in the fruit that they produce!!!
It is in our human nature to desire to prove oneself. Yet, their are times when we have NOTHING to show...no visible evidence. It may seem HOPELESS...However, we need to learn to wait on God, to trust in him, let him hand out the proof and reveal the truth. It may be hard to do buuuuut it WILL work!!! Its IN THE BIBLE and the Bible is the absolute truth, it is the word of God and it is NOT going to fail you.
"Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."(Matthew 7:20)
♥Mary Frances :)