Okaaaaaaaay...soooooo us girls had like, THE MOMENT OF ALL MOMENTS at heritage!!!
It all started Thursday night after the lock in!!! Wait...WAIT...waaaaaaiiiiit.....ACTUALLY...it all started Wednesday when we got to our suite room! We walked in and were checking everything out and I saw that we had ajoining connecting rooms...you know...how they have the two doors in the middle and then BOTH people in the rooms have to open their door to enter???
Weeeeelllll anywayZ, when I saw it I was like OMW!!! Wouldn't that be SOOOO AWESOME if a reallly cute Apostolic guy just HAPPENED to be staying next to us???!! I mean...WHAAAAAAAAAAAT would be the chances of THAT ever happening...RIGHT???
Fast forward to Thursday night after the youth night. We get back to our hotel and we're like ALL hyper and jabbering about the nights events...who talked to who...who got a pic with who...guys...etc...LOL...buuuut I actually came into the room LATER than everyone else, I can't remember WHY...I think maybe I had been out socializin STILL...HAHAHA!!!
So when I get into the room all the girls IMMEDIATLEY tell me NOT to talk or NOTHING cuz our room had just gotten in trouble for making to much noise. So I'm like OH the front desk called you guys?!?! They're like NOOOOO!!! The man next door banged on the ajoining doors and yelled at us to be quiet!!!
I was like, OMW!!! Weeeeeellll at least I can say that it was OFFICIALLY sooooo NOT my fault since I wasn't even in the room when it happened. (See being social SAVED ME;) Soooo everyone is quiet and whispering for like the next ten minutes....buuuuut then sloooooowly they forget and everyone goes back to talking annnnnnnnnnd THEN...
There is another, BANG! BANG! BAAAAAAAAAAANG!!! And we hear a loud ANGRY voice telling us to BE QUIET!!! IF YOU GIRLS WAKE ME UP AGAIN, I'M CALLING THE SECURITY!!!! We were like, OMW!!! I was like REALLLLY SHOCKED that someone would be THAT MAD at us...I mean YES, it was 2:30 am...buuuuuuuuuut...REALLY??? One of the girls was like sooooooooooo ready to tell the man up...she was like gonna say, GO AHEAD...CALL THE SECURITY...AHAHAHA... and we were all like NOOOOOOO!!!
ANNNNNNNND i can't lie...in the middle of all this... i'm layin on the pull out bed thinking...SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR THAT CUTE APOSTOLIC GUY STAYIN NEXT TO US!!! (LOL! yes, I REALLY did think that!!! ;)
Soooooo even tho we're all totally annyoyed...Hanna responds back soooooooo NICE and SWEETLEY. (She really, really reminds me A LOT of Devi Abbott/Foster...no wonder we get a long soooo well) Hanna is like, WE are soooo sorry sir! We will be quiet this time and it won't happen again!!! And he says something like, it better NOT!!! I was ASTOUNDED...like WOW!!!
I'm whispering from the other side of the suite...Good job Hanna!!! THEEEEEEEN...I'm like weeeeeeeeellll...obviousley the man next door is NOT a Christian... BUUUUUT at least we responded back like Christians!!! One of the girls was all, like Christians or like APOSTOLICS??? I was all, like APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANS ALL THE WAAAAAAAY BAAAAABY!!!! (Whispered)
Sooooooooooo THEN...fast forward AGAIN to the next day after the morning service and after lunch. We get back to our hotel room annnnnnnnnd for some odd reason, only GOD knows WHY buuuuuuuuuuut our key wasn't working and we got locked out of our room...soooo Jac says that she is gonna go down to the lobby and get it fixed...
MEANWHILE...all of us girls are just chillin...waiting in the hallway. As we're waiting, we see Bro. Johansons, one of the conference speakers come walking up the stairs. All of us girls are all excited to see him and we're all like greeting him and saying praise the Lord and stuff. Weeeeeellll...BEING ME...I just had to be extra friendly and I like shake his hand excitedly and tell him that I really enjoyed his preaching last night. He kindly says Oh THANK YOU and goes past us...takes out his key annnnnnnnnnnd...
Slides it into... THE DOOR NEXT TO US!!! I was SHOCKED!!! FLABBERGASTED!!! I was the one standing closest to him and my mouth was just like HANGING WIDE OPEN!!! Annnnnd the girls said later on that they ALL were trying to stop and distract me from stating the OBVIOUS...buuuuuuuuuut it came out anyways...
Bro. Johansons (Yeah I changed the name for the poor preacher that had to put up with us...LOL) just smiles kindly and sweetly at us all and says, Was that YOU girls keepin me up last night??? Once again I answer...AHAHAHA...Oh yeaaaaahhhh...and then we're all like, SORRY!!! SORRY!!! WE ARE SOOOOOOOOO SORRRRRY!!! He is like, OH ITS OK!!! And then he went in his room and AS SOON AS THE DOOR SHUT...HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER!!!
I mean...WHAAAAAAAAAAAT would be the chances of one of the preacher's staying next to US??? 8, single, boy cRaZy, hyper, APOSTOLIC YOUNG LADIES???
(I'm also currently hoping that by the time Bro. Johanson's sees me again, I will have lost SO MUCH WEIGHT, he won't even reconize me...cuz I think that look on my face is gonna be pretty hard to forget...BAHAHA!!! And all the girls in the room that were preacher's kids were like, OH NOOOO!!! Wait till my dad finds out about this!!! And I was just like singing, ‼♪♫♪THANK GOD i'm ghetto...♫thank God my dad's not a preacher and could careless about church stuff...♪Thank God I'm NOT a PK...Ooooo THANK GOD!!!♪♪♪ Bahahaha!!!
AND THIS is when I immediatley began running around tellin ANYONE AND EVERYONE our story...LOLOLOL!!! In the mean time...Bro. Johanson's (Bro. Johanson's gives us THE REST OF HIS GIFT BASKET that the church in Colorado Springs had given him...I guess as a sort of peace offering..AHAHAHA!!! I was like OMW!!! HOW MANY APOSTOLIC girls, that aren't preacher's kids can EVER say that they have gotten THE LEFTOVERS FROM A PREACHER'S GIFT BASKET??? Don't be JEALOUS!!!! Had some GOOOOD CADBURY DARK CHOCOLATE in there too...I immediatley swiped that...LOL!!!
I've told sooooo many people this story...MY PASTOR I think laughed the hardest!!! Someone was like, SOOOO MARY...you actually accused the preacher of NOT being a CHRISTIAN??? I'm like HEEEEEEY...I didn't know....Everyone is like, OkAAAAY MARY, you didn't reconize the preacher's voice coming through the door??? I'm like, DUUUUUDE like NOOOOOOOO!!!! None of the girls did!!!
How would we know....its NOT like we chill with him all the time and stuff...NOW if it had been Bishop Abbott's voice...OH YOU BETTER BELIEVE I would have reconized it...I would reconize THAT MAN'S VOICE ANYWHERE...shivers woulda been going down my spine and YOU BETTER BELIEVE he wouldn't have to say it twice!!! LOLOLOL!!! But I did NOT reconize Bro. Johanson's voice!!!
THANK GOD WE ACTED LIKE CHRISTIANS!!! What if we had been rude and obnoxious??? What if we had given him ATTITUDE??? THEN what would it have been like to try and face him???? OMW!!! THANK YOU JESUS WE ACTED RIGHT!!!! I was like SEE...THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS...ACT LIKE A CHRISTIAN!!! Remember that people, YOU NEVER KNOW WHO you may be talking to!!! And THAT MY FRIENDS IS WHY...
P.S. ABOUT THE CUTE APOSTOLIC GUY...We all decided that Bro. Johanson is ACTUALLY really cute in a grandfatherly sort of teddy bear way...just don't mess with him while he is resting...cuz then the teddy bear turns into a grizzly!!! :)
♥Mary Frances :)