TODAY...we are celebrating ONE YEAR of MaryJo being adopted as a Ginty!!!
AT SCHOOL: MaryJo's teacher at school says that MaryJo is friends with everyone in her class and that she doesn't choose one person over the other, she strives to keep everyone together and friends with each other!!!
Also, just starting this fall, MaryJo started taking piano lessons!!!! After ONLY 7 lessons she can now play Mary had a Little Lamb and Old McDonald had a farm!!! Annnnd thats starting from COMPLETE scratch without knowing NOTHING about piano playing before!!! Her teacher says that she is teaching her to learn how to play by ear because she can't read notes but has a natural ear for music...which is EXACTLEY what SIs. Bishop Abbott told my sis years ago, she said to get Mary Jo in piano lessons because she has a NATURAL ear for music...its just taken my sis a while to find a teacher...LOL!!!
Soooooo now she is soooooooooooo into music!!! She loves it!!!
Then when she was playing I was like Ooooo can play THE PIANO!!!! Thats PREACHER'S WIFE MATERIAL right there!!! She just looks at me and is like, Okaaaaaaaaaay really, MARY, WHY would I want to marry a PREACHER???
I was like, Oh you don't like preachers??? She is like, yeah but I don't want to MARRY ONE!!! There like...OLD!!! AHAHAHA!!! LOL
These are the cupcakes she is brought into her class today to celebrate...annnd she talked her mom into getting some for the kids at Bible college tonight too!!! LOL!!!
Its sooooo AMAZING to me!!! The first time she played a song...I like flipped out i was sooooo EXCITED!!! I mean, I KNOW, that being musically inclined, does NOT come natural for me...soooo I'm like in aw of MJ's ability!!! I told my sis, JUST think...all that talent and potential was laying wait inside of her...buuuuut it would have all just laid there, locked up inside of her WASTED...had my sister NOT gotten her out of that home!!! (I'm telling you all...consider ADOPTION!!!)
If you havn't already read Mary Jo's story READ it HERE!!! :)