Thursday, May 2, 2013


Sooooo a couple years ago, when Kim was still living with us, Kim and I were babysitting at our house for a certain-not-gonna-specifically-mention-any-names-heh-heh-pastor's children!!! So their daughter is MJ's age... very mature, responsible little thing...Basically, this PK was babysitting ME AND KIM...bahaha!!!
So she was looking at my hair accessories and she see one of my lil hat pieces that i had been wearing.
She looks at it adoringly, with longing in her eyes and wistuflly says, I really want one of these like SOOOOO MUCH!!! She goes, buuuuut I don't think i'll EVER have one!!! Weeeeellll being the MAR BEAR that I am, the strings on my heart were being tugged and I was like, Oh you can have that one if you want!
She gets a slight glimmer of hope in her eyes, then the wistfullness returns as she says, no, I can't, mom and dad would NEVER let me wear it! I'm like, Oh, like they think they are to worldly or gaudy or what?! She says oh no nothing like that, my parents just think these things are...LONG PAUSE....DRUM ROLL PLEASE... My parents think they are ABSOLUTELY HIDIOUS!!! I'm like WHAAAAAAAAAAT??? Ahahahaha!!!
I'm like HIDIOUS??? She's like, yeah, I don't know WHY, but they do!!! Wow, I can't believe this.... I mean, if this was a holiness conviction i OF COURSE would have been completely respectful of it without any questions...buuuuut HIDIOUS!?!?! LOL I mean maybe on SOME GIRLS buuuuuut I sooooooo THOUGHT I ROCKed the lil hat!!! Sooooo being ME, i decided to make a snarky little comment, I said, Oh REALLY?! Weeeeeellll you KNOW, thats because your parents have NEVER seen these on me!!!
She pauses then sweetly and matter of factly says, ACTUALLY, your the ONLY person they have EVER seen them on!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? My mouth was HANGING OPEN!!! Kim was of course practically ON THE FLOOR IN COMPLETE HYSTERICS!!! And after my ten second shock wore off I joined her!!! WE laughed and laughed and laughed!!! Seriousley, it was SOOOOOO HILARIOUS!!!
Poor lil PK neverrrr could quite figure out WHY we were laughing sooooo HARD!!! Kim was like, I am soooooooo wrapping one up and giving it to her mom for a gift...just to see her reaction...buuuuuuuut in the end we decided not to...just in case this poor lil PK would get in trouble for TALKING to much!!! LOLOL
AnywayZ, I ended up getting over my lil hat faze and gave them all away...I mean, I was kinda getting over it anyhow, buuuuuuut the HIDIOUS comment definately HELPED!!! LOLOLOLOL!!! Oh maaaaaaaaaan ... I still laugh about that!!!!
"My parents think they are ABSOLUTELY HIDIOUS!!!" "... thats because your parents have NEVER seen these on me!!!"  "ACTUALLY, your the ONLY personthey have EVER seen them on!!!"
I just wanna be like, Soooooo BROTHER, tell me how you feel about my hair accessories... No really, don't HOLD BACK,
tell me how you REALLY FEEL!!! ;P
♥Mary Frances :)