Weeeeeeeellllll...AFTER a loooooooong WAIT....the first APOSTOLIC WARRIOR EVERRRRR is about to be announced. Now, I realize that there are A LOT of good Apostolic men that are deserving, HOWEVERRRR, I KNEW that the FIRST ONE HAD TO BE THIS YOUNG MAN!!!
When I thought Apostolic Warrior, he is the FIRST person that came to my mind! This young man was NOT born into Pentecost. He has NEVER had the support of anyone outside of his church, yet since he was a child he has embraced this gospel message WHOLE HEARTEDLY and has shown himself to be an example to even Apostolic-Pentecostal young people that have grown up their whole life in a Godly home!!!
This young man is above average and even though I had ALREADY handpicked him myself, IF I HAD NOT, I'm pretty much positively sure that my church woulda stoned me the next time I came...HAHA...NOT REALLY...buuuuuuuuut they all REALLY WANTED this for him!!!
Landmark's best kept secret is NOW being revealed ...
Ladies and Gentelman it is my complete honor and priviledge to now introduce to you all the FIRST EVERRRR APOSTOLIC WARRIOR...
Jonathan Stultz is worthy of being called an Apostolic Warrior because he is a faithful, steadfast, unwavering, consistent man of God. He is strong in his convictions, grounded in truth a lover of holiness and a protector of the faith.
20-year-old, Jonathan Stultz resides in Phoenix Arizona. He graduated from Paradise Valley highschool with honors and college scholarships. This past May of 2013 he graduated with his associates degree in business. At this point and time in Jonathan's life he has decided that for now, even though he is very smart and was getting very good grades, he is done with college. Jonathan felt in his heart that he wanted to have more time for studying and focusing on the things of God. Jonathan began attending Landmark Pentecostal Church as a Sunday School child at the age of four. He was just the little tag-along of his older brother and his friend's across the street, John and Abraham Ginty. As a child Jonathan got the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus name. Him and his older brother stopped attending church for several years, but at the age of 12, Jonathan was brought back through a Sunday School drive at his church and since that time, ON HIS OWN ACCORD, he has faithfully, ATTENDED LANDMARK PENTECOSTAL Church. There is more to Jonathan's testimony, but THE WHOLE STORY is currently still in the process of being written! :)
20-year-old, Jonathan Stultz resides in Phoenix Arizona. He graduated from Paradise Valley highschool with honors and college scholarships. This past May of 2013 he graduated with his associates degree in business. At this point and time in Jonathan's life he has decided that for now, even though he is very smart and was getting very good grades, he is done with college. Jonathan felt in his heart that he wanted to have more time for studying and focusing on the things of God. Jonathan began attending Landmark Pentecostal Church as a Sunday School child at the age of four. He was just the little tag-along of his older brother and his friend's across the street, John and Abraham Ginty. As a child Jonathan got the Holy Ghost and was baptized in Jesus name. Him and his older brother stopped attending church for several years, but at the age of 12, Jonathan was brought back through a Sunday School drive at his church and since that time, ON HIS OWN ACCORD, he has faithfully, ATTENDED LANDMARK PENTECOSTAL Church. There is more to Jonathan's testimony, but THE WHOLE STORY is currently still in the process of being written! :)
If there is one OVERALL word that you could use to describe Jonathan, it is FAITHFUL!!! Faithful, faithful, FAITHFUL!!! He's like the sun... you don't think about it being there in the morning, you just know its going to be there. And that is how Jonathan has been about coming to church, you don't wonder if he's coming to church that day, you just know he's gonna be there!
Does Jonathan work???
YES!!! Jonathan works and is a VERY good and hard worker at that. Jonathan has had THE SAME job since he was 16. He got his first job at at Albertson's grocery store as a Courtesy Clerk. A courtesy clerk is the person that bags your groceries and pushes in carts. Jonathan took that job, the lowest on the store and worked it to the best of his ability. After showing himself to be a good worker in that he was soon promoted to being a cashier. After showing himself to be a good worker as cashier he was promoted to assistant front end manager of the store. Never once did Jonathan EVER miss church for his job.
However, there was a job transfer and his boss that scheduled his days moved to another Albertson's and the person that took that manager's place said that Jonathan would have to work Sundays if he wanted to keep his management position. Jonathan put his foot down and refused to give in to working on Sundays. THIS did INDEED get him demoted and back to just being a cashier. However, Jonathan's old boss heard about what happened and said he didn't care if Jonathan wouldn't work on Sundays. He said that Jonathan was STILL a good worker and had him put in a transfer to the store he was working at and was once again given back his management position.
See, GOD ALWAYS honors our sacrifice for him AND HE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU if you do whats right!!!And from what I heard from my brother's is that, the manager that demoted him because he wouldn't work Sundays, ended up getting HERSELF DEMOTED!!! So DON'T MESS WITH GOD'S PEOPLE!!!
When Jonathan was about 16-years-old I went to the Albertson's by our house where Jonathan was working. Now Jonathan had been faithfully going to church since he was 12, but still, I was WONDERING, if Jonathan would make sure that the sleeves on his work uniform were below his elbow. NOT that I was gonna condem him if they weren't, I mean after all, he was just a kid, living for God on his own and its NOT like he was wearing a tank top or something, the sleeves were ALMOST long enough...I was just WONDERING...BUUUUT when I found Jonathan, THERE HE WAS, working hard in the Arizona heat, with an extra-long sleeved shirt on under his Albertson's uniform ensuring that he was COMPLETLEY MODEST!!! I was pretty floored that at 16 he would take that inititive on his own, I mean REALLY, its NOT like he woulda gotten in trouble or anything...I was soooo proud of him...I never actually said anything, just tucked it away in my mind for the right moment...Like, RIGHT NOW!!!! :))))
Jonathan is currently in the proccess of going on interviews and applying for a better, more stable, full time job. What he really wants is to get a job as a teller at a bank, his first choice is at Desert Schools Credit Union, then after being a teller he would like to move up to being a personal banker and work his way up in the financial field...
Jonathan isn't what one would call OUTGOING, but he is a very friendly person. If you say hi or talk to him he will certaintly extend himself out to you. Jonathan is not a loud person. People often mistake his quietness for shyness or awkwardness, however Jonathan says its just that he has nothing to say. If there is nothing to say there is no reason to talk. Jonathan is a good listener. He is very observent and pays attention when you think he isn't...which is kind of creepy...cuz he'll know stuff about you that you never even told him... ANNNND you'll be like, HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT??? Annnnnnd then its like oh yeah, i've been blastin that all over the place. Ahahahahahaha!!!
Jonathan likes to have fun. He enjoys the wild rides, playing games, and can be some what competitive and makes sures the rules of the game are upheld. He enjoys sports but is never rude when you miss the ballHe is playful in nature, if you throw water on him he doesn't get mad, he just throws some back...
Yes, that IS JONATHAN behind the trash can of water being dumped on us...as we hold our pathetic red cups...like i said, throw water on him and HE WILL throw some back...if you TP his car he justs...OH well I guess we'll just have to wait and see what he does. Bwahahahahahahaha!!! ;P
Jonathan is NOT an emotional roller coaster. He's not up and down and all over the place with his emotions. He doesnt need a cheerleader continually cheering him on. He isn't one to wallow in self-pity.
When asked how Jonathan would define True Beauty, Jonathan says,
"looks aren't everything!"
its their looks ANNNND their personality combined.
When I think of "FUNNY" Jonathan isn't the first person that comes to my mind. He's not what you woud call the class clown or a comedian, However, he does have a great sense of humor, he is always ready to enjoy a good laugh...
Jonathan is a TRUE gentleman. He doesn't put others down to build himself up. He has good self-esteem. . He is always there to HELP when your in need...like IF your tire blows on the 101...TRUST ME....I know....LOL...or if it blows on the church van on a youth trip!!!!
Jonathan is quiet but oppinonated, firm in what he believes, he has a backbone and is not a pushover. He isn't one to just go and take charge, buuuuut when put into a position of authority or leadership he has no problem with taking control of the situation and being a leader. He is also a very mature and responsible person.
When Jonathan does ANY task at all, he does a very thourough and EFFECIENT JOB!!!
Jonathan is not what you would describe as cRaZy, buuuuut at the same time he isn't stiff-necked or too refined to join in on the fun and cRaZiNeSs of others. Liiiiiike agreeing to be the preacher for the funeral of some cRaZy friend's sunglasses that died!!! HAHA!!!
Jonathan, How do you deal with cranky customers?
He says, "I just SMOTHER them with KINDNESS!"
How would you help a peer that was struggling?
Jonathan says that if one of his friends was struggling, the first thing he would do is ask them what it was that they were struggling with. Then he would encourage them with one of his own experiances. Then he would back up what he said by using Bible scriptures and then if they wanted to pray with him he would, but either way he would definately pray for them on his own.
He is genuinely kindhearted. You will NEVER hear him making fun of someone. He is tolerant of everyone no matter how weird or annoying they are. He is a very patient person. Jonathan is NOT one to hold a grudge. He is a very forgiving person. He is cool with everyone and understands that people ARE PEOPLE!!!
there are a BUNCH of people that have some things they want to say to you to let you know what we think of your awesome self...
"What i have seen from him that has stood out to me is his unmoveable stand for God in his life! I respect him highly for that becuz he is the only one in his house living for the Lord against all odds! God bless him for that!! :)"
-Tommy Moreland (A good friend from LPC)
"Well I can tell you that one thing that has stood out is that he is always willing to help out in anything that is needed. And of course he's always ready with one of his funny comments" --Joe Velez(A good friend from Roswell)
"I think that Jonathan is one of the most faithful and steadfast people I know and I'm really proud of him!"
-Theresa Ginty
"Jonathan is a part of our family, but he lives across the street. I think he is nice and precious!" -MJ Ginty
"Jonathan is a part of our family, but he lives across the street. I think he is nice and precious!" -MJ Ginty
"I just want to say that what stands out to me about Jonathan is that he has chosen to live for God without his family. And I just want to say sorry buddy for all the times me, John and your big brother would ditch you while playing hide and seek. It was just so easy to hear you coming on your bike with those training wheels. (Insert his wife scolding, I can't believe you guys ditched Jonathan, that is SO MEAN) I hope your kids don't ditch my kids! :)
-Abraham Ginty(Childhood buds)
"What stands out to me about Jonathan is that he is ALWAYS at church, puts God before school and work. Paid his own way to go to all the conferences. Always in the altar seeking God. Trys to encourage other young people in church and always positive. "
-John Ginty(Childhood buds)
(What stands out the most?!)
"We agreed on - His faithfulness to God;
on his own.. :)
Seth and Alyssa Cleveland (Church Friends)
"I think that he's been very trustworthy. He has always been faithful to the house of GOD and sober with everything having to do with GOD. A few days ago, Mary posted on her blog, Psalm 119:9-16 and I thought how beautiful for a young man to have such a desire for The Lord and without even knowing that Mary was going to be doing this, I thought of YOU Jonathon. I also have seen a quality in him that is being lost in this world and that is respect and honor to his elders. Jonathon I am very proud of you and of the fine Christian man that you have grown into. Just keep ur eyes on JESUS and everything will b alright!!!!!"
-Sis. Fran Ginty (Your neighbor across the street)
"He found Jesus and NEVER let go!"
-Joseph Ginty
(Former Albertson co-workers, Good friends and neighbors)
What stands out?! "Definitely his character :-) he always has such a good attitude. You can always count on him to do any task. You just know he's going to do whats right. He has goals and a future in mind. Definitely responsible ....what more could you ask for?! Jonathan is always doing right, keeps a good attitude, you can always count on him, and he is responsible...an excellent example of a Christian!"
-Sam Karlson (LPC Youth leader)
"Jonathan is faithful, dedicated,
and a true man of character."
-Pastor Abbott
(Jonathan's pastor at Landmark Pentecostal Church)
Annnnnnnnnnnnd Jonathan, this is THE big surprise, the surprise-SURPRISE, your first pastor, now your Bishop, the man that prayed you through to the Holy Ghost as a child, actually took the time out of his schedule, WHILE TRAVELING around the country evangelizing, I believe he was driving at this moment, He took the time to make a very special recording about you. Unfortunately, I could NOT figure out how to upload the audio clip so i'm just going to transcribe it word for word on here and then i'll send it to you personally to keep in your Godly-heritage treasure box!!! :)
Bishop Abbott says...
"This is Bishop Abbott here, I would like to tell you about a young man in our church in Scottsdale. His name is Jonathan Stultz, We first met Jonathan as a small boy, being brought to Sunday School by one of the fine families in our church. His family never came into the church, so for a period of time he was pulled away from the church. But after a few years, still just very young, he began to come back and he developed a very faithful spirit. He was faithful to church, faithful to prayer, and had such a good character. He had such a great work ethic as he went through school, graduated, and got his first job. He was faithful to his job, and getting his first car, and making his own way. Jonathan is a gentleman, he is very respectful to those in authority, he is very respectful to young ladies, he has kept himself pure. He is such a fine young man, that I believe that he IS a REAL Apostolic Warrior. And we are very proud to have him as a part of Landmark Pentecostal Church. Thank you! -Bishop Abbott"
SEE, I told you, you would like the surprise!!! and since all the Apostolic Beauties always get their own virtual crown, I think its time to start a tradition of giving all the Apostolic Warriors, there very own VIRTUAL TIE!!! Soooooooo here you go Jonathan...this is the one I thought YOU would like...strut your manliness!!! :))))
Jonathan, there is officially nothing left to say...unlike YOU...it takes me a while to get there...ahahahaha. I leave you with this scripture your OFFICIAL AW SCRIPTURE...
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way." (Psalm 37:23)
I believe that the Lord has delighted in your way!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
If you have enjoyed reading this Apostolic Warrior profile about Jonathan Stultz, stay tuned because the story of his personal testimony is in the proccess of being written and will be posted soon in the weeks to come! (: