Well, aside from looking GOOD, the day immediatley began to go down hill!!! Like i'm ON My way over to get kids for church and I CAN SMELL that something is wrong with my car. Like, some sort of water leak or something, i'm like NOOOOOO!!! Then I go to get the kids AND the kids grandma was asking if the lil brother can go too. ANNNNND I feel bad cuz I always say no for him and he ALWAYS crys annnnnd he was jus lookin at me with these big, innocent, chocolate brown eyes like, PLEADING, and the Mar Bear strings on my heart were just TUGGIN...sooooooo i'm like OKAAAAAAY!!!
BIG MISTAKE I tell ya!!! LOL That lil boy is NOT coming to church with me for AT LEAST ANTOTHER YEAR!!! For realz, people!!! Annnnnd the kids were like sooooo bad for preservice prayer. I mean, they're always antsy buuuuuut this was like, WOW!!! I mean the lil boy EVEN tried to eat my pizza charm off my purse!!! I look up from praying and see it in his mouth!!! LOLOL!!!
See WHAAAAAT the problem was, is that, all these kids are craving ONE ON ONE attention, which I am very good at giving, buuuuuuut IMPOSSIBLE to do with more than one child. Soooo yeah...I was STRESSED!!! Buuuuut thanks to the people in my church, my sis and Sis. Sam that helped me by taking a kid!!! Wheeeew that was a RELIEF...soooo I could go help, well we have this elderly man in our church that I type out the lessons and preaching for because he can't hear...so I went and did that...
See WHAAAAAT the problem was, is that, all these kids are craving ONE ON ONE attention, which I am very good at giving, buuuuuuut IMPOSSIBLE to do with more than one child. Soooo yeah...I was STRESSED!!! Buuuuut thanks to the people in my church, my sis and Sis. Sam that helped me by taking a kid!!! Wheeeew that was a RELIEF...soooo I could go help, well we have this elderly man in our church that I type out the lessons and preaching for because he can't hear...so I went and did that...
After church I took my brother to look at the car ANNNNND...it had no water in it and he said there is probably a leak and I should take it to the mechanic ASAP!!! Sooooo Yeah, STRESSED AGAIN!!! Then I got MAD cuz my brother's were making fun of my teeth, YEAH, I'm still glaring at them for that, annnnd I'm like OOOOO I just gotta get these kids home and get a nap!!! Soooo I get them to the car, i'm loading them in, they had been so bad before service then they SLEPT ... I'm like thinking, DUUUUDE was this worth it??? Like did they get ANYTHING from today??? I'm thinking, Mary do NOT grow weary in well doing... buuuut at the same time I'm just like WHATEVERRRR!!!
ANNNNND would you believe that my sunglasses were broken???? ONE of my favorite pairs!!! (Well there ALL my favorites;) Some how I really wasn't SURPRISED!!!
The kids were excited tho...cuz you know, one person's trash is someone else's TREASURE!!!
Woooohoooo!!! Glad I could make SOMEONE'S day!!! AHAHAHA!!!
.Soooo I'm driving to the apartments and I think I actually had like a GLARE on my face!!! Thats how annoyed I was feeling about my day thus far...Your probably thinking MARY you shoulda just looked at yourself in the mirror and you would have felt soooo much better!!! YOU KNOW, I actually DID think about that, annnnnd I was like MAN, i can't even lookin the mirror cuz i'm driving...WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
annnnnnnnd we finally get there and I'm thinkin awwwww...I'll be relieved SOON!!!! Annnnd would you all believe that these children's parent's were NOT home????AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I just like wanted to SCREAM!!! I went from apartment to apartment trying to find SOMEONE to watch these kids??? (Hey thats how we roll in Africa!!!) Annnnnd would you believe that EVERYONE had to "Work"??? Yeah RIGHT!!! Finally I found someone that said they would watch them!!! I'm like YES!!! Soooo I'm like, OH thank you sooooooo much!! Oh I have some brownies I'll give you!!! Yeah, I just happened to have some homemade brownies in my trunk!!! LOLOLOL
So I get all the kiddos out, i'm giving the one family a plate of brownies, and I had some more for like this GROUP of kids that came RUNNING over...the kids like go wild about my brownies. So I had some from the ones that I had already given them the night before and then the kids just go WILD with them!!!! LIke, it was a war zone!!! One of the African boys just looked at me, shook his head and just said, AFRICANS!!! WOW!!! AHAHAA!!! Buuuut I mean, they are pretty good brownies...soft and chewy!!! :)
So I'm in my car, getting ready to back out and this lady comes over to my car with her three kids and just smiles. I'm like, HI! I had assumed she was African but as soon as she started talking to me I knew she was African American. She's like, I was just wondering if you had anymore of whatever you were giving out to those other kids? I'm like, Oh it was brownies, and i'm soooo SORRY I don't have any left. She's like, oh thats ok! So i'm like, well if you want next time i make them i'll come to your apartment and bring you some. SHe was like, OH we would really like that. she tells me her apartment number and I promise her I'll bring her and her kids some.
So then she is just lookin at me and she is like did you just come from church or something. So I'm like, Yes! She's like, Oh do you come EVERY Sunday? I'm like, Yes I do. I'm like if you want, next week I can take you. She's like Oh I would really like that. Then, She's like, oh what kind of church is it? So I told her Pentecostal and she was like, OH I used to go to a Pentecostal church? So I was like OH wow like they wore skirts and stuff? So she's like, well they weren't to strict about it but I know about the Holy Ghost and stuff.
I was like, yeah we have service on Wednesday night too if you want to come to that service. and I'm telling her our church schedule and she was like, OH so you have church on Sunday nights too? Can you bring me to church tonight???? I'm like, well, not this Sunday because we do a family worship service on the first Sunday of every month and then we only have one service that week. She was like, OH, and I could tell she was disapointed, like SHE REALLY WANTS TO COME!!! So I told her that I could get her FOR SURE on Wednesday and she said YES!!! I want to come!!! I NEED to get back to church!!!
Annnnnnd I left there with THE BIGGEST SMILE ON MY FACE!!! Like, really, this is the desire of my heart, to bring souls to Jesus!!! God knew JUST what I needed to make my day!!! Despite ghetto cars and cranky kids and broken sunglasses...GOD IS GOOOOOOOD!!! No matter what happens in live, HE ALREADY SAVED MY SOUL FROM HELL!!! Now, if he can just USE ME, to save someone elses!!! Welllll..I'm gonna take a NAP!!! Looks like i've got some MORE brownies i'll be making this week!!! woooooooot!!! Wooooot!!!
♥Mary Frances :)