Sooooooo my day started out calm...buuuuut we should all know that WITHME... that was NOT going to last!!! LOLOL In the morning, before getting dropped off by my sis on her way to work at my mom's so that I can use my dads car to go to work, my sis tells me that after I pick up the lil boy I am watching, to MAKE SURE I TURN IN OUR TIME SHEETS!!! Soooo that we can get paid on Friday!!! I'm like, YES OF COURSE because I like really, really, REALLY need this paycheck to buy Christmas presents, pay a mechanic, pay my phone bill, spending money at Conqueror's Conference, gas money...ETC... soooo i'm like YES!!! TOTALLY!!!
I'm like even being totally organized and instead of just leaving the papers on the passenger seat of the car...I TAKE them and I FOLD THEM UP NICELY inside of my fake Coach purse!!! So then I decide to take the kiddos to the mall to play and stuff then after being there for a while I take them back to our house. Once we get home the kids are soon entertaining themselves so I decide to get the house straightened up...
Weeeeeeelllll basically about 75% of our household is tile soooooooo I decide to sweep and mop the whole house. So I start off in the back of the house and as i'm mopping, I'm thinking to myself about HOW I WONDER IF IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE FOR ME TO MAKE IT A WHOLE MONTH WITHOUT LOSING, FORGETTING OR BREAKING SOMETHING??? I'm thinkin as I sweep, hmmmm....I wonder if I could do that???
Weeeeeeelllll I the kiddos are STILL playing soooo nicely together and like ten minutes before the big sis gets home from work I've got it ALL DONE!!! I am like sooooo proud of myself as she walks through the front door!!! She's all like, OH you got the WHOLE HOUSE DONE??? I'm like YUP!!! She's like, WITH THE KIDS??? I'm like, YUP!!! They've TOTALLY been entertaining themselves!!!! She's like WOW!!!! I'm like, sooooooooooooo PROUD OF MYSELF!!! Like, I totally deserve the AMAZING little sister award RIGHT??? WROOOOOOONG!!!!
Weeeeeeeelllll....I'm STILL pretty AMAZING buuuuut I guess AMAZINGLY FORGETTFUL would be a better description!!! Sooooo after my sis is home for an hour she's like, so what did they say when you turned in the time sheets? The moment she asked me that my heart just literally FROZE!!! I was like, uh, ummm...UHHHHH...
She's like, YOU DID turn them in, RIGHT??? I'm like, NOOOOOOO!!!! She's like, MARY, they were due at 12 and its THREE at this time!!! I'm like, can't I go now??? She's like, NO they will NOT except them later annnnnd YOU DON"T HAVE A CAR!!! I'm like, oh yeah...
My heart was beating like, sooooooooo FASSSST!!! I'm like, I I I I HAVE TO GET PAID!!!! I NEEEEEEED THAT MONEY!!! I CAN"T WAIT TILL THE NEW YEAR FOR IT!!! Weeeeeellllll...big sis is the hero...she calls up our work annnnnnnnd begs them to take our time sheets! They are like absolutely NOT!!! Big sis will NOT take NO for answer!!! She's like, You know, I have been an employee for your company for over TEN YEARS NOW, and this is THE FIRST TIME, I have EVERRRRR asked you to take them for me late...I'm like behind her whispering, JESUS PULEEEEEEZE!!!!
They say YES!!! I was like, OH THANK YOU GOD!!! Soooo my sis is like, okaaaaaay get the papers and we'll go...I got to get the papers and have a total BRAIN WHERE ARE THE PAPERS??? Then it hit me, i'm like, OOOOOOOOH I left them in Dad's car and forgot to take them out before I brought him back the car so he could go to work!
My sister's like, REALLY MARY??? are ANNOYING!!! Buuuuut if she thought THAT was ANNOYING she was really about to be AMAZED with JUST how ANNOYING I could BE!!! Soooooooooo we head over to my dad's work, I find his car annnnnnnd the papers are NOT there!!! I'm like WHAAAAAT??? My sisters like, they're not there???? I'm like, NO!!!! I pause as I have ANOTHER BRAIN FREEZE, then it HITS ME again...I'm like, UMMMMMMM... I actually left them in my sister's like, which you brought with you??? I'm like, Ummmm NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... its actually BACK AT THE HOUSE!!!
She's like, WHAAAAAAAT??? As we're driving BACK to the house its silent and then my sis is like, ALL I'm saying is THAT, YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE ME A BACK MASSAGE TONIGHT!!!! I'm like, Oh SURE!!!! No problem...ANYTHING!!!! LOLOL!!! (I give REALLY good back massages...or soooo I've been told...I've never been able to actually give myself one...altho I HAVE tried!!! BAHAHA!!! Buuuuuut really, IM SOOOO GOOD AT THEM!!! I have really strong and big hands...annnnd I even tried to start a back massaging business once...FOR WOMAN...buuuut it didn't work cuz everyone knew they could just get me to do it for FREE!!! LOL Except my sis actually does normally pay me for them...$10 for 25 minutes!)
Soooooooooo we get back to the house, I run inside...annnnnnnnnnd there it is, sitting at the kitchen table, MY FAKE COACH PURSE, annnnnnd SURE ENOUGH, there inside, all neat annnnnnd ORGANIZED are our nicely folded up time sheets...JUST LIKE I HAD LEFT THEM!!!! Annnnnnnnnnd see WHAAAAAT I get for being organized??? IF I had left the papers blowing in the breeze on the seat next to me, I NEVERRRR WOULD HAVE FORGOTTEN!!!
♥Mary Frances :)p.S God PULEEEEZE bless me with a man that is VERY UNDERSTANDING about my MARYNESS!!! Either that or someone that likes BACK MASSAGES!!! BAHAHAHA!!!!