I've realized, that we're living in a world where woman are stuck between the thinking of a feminist woman that says, "she doesn't need a man," or "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle!" and the thinking of a self-centered spoiled-brat that says, "I'm a lady, I'm a princess, therefore I deserve, I need, I get, and I should be treated a certain way." As woman of God, I think we need to find the balance of WHAT DOES THE BIBLE ACTUALLY SAY???
I remember hearing some girls talking about weather or not they think that a man should pump the gas in the car for the woman. Then I got pulled into the conversation. What do you think mary? I'm just sitting there like, ummm, Uh, IDK, HUH??? Like this is an ISSUE for people??? Like i've honestly NEVER thought about it before. I mean, I'm SINGLE, If I didn't put my gas in, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere, we would have a PROBLEM!!! I mean, I don't GET IT, is it HARD to put the gas in??? What am I MISSING??? Hmmmm... WHAT DOES IT SAY IN THE BIBLE???
I remember hearing some girls talking about weather or not they think that a man should pump the gas in the car for the woman. Then I got pulled into the conversation. What do you think mary? I'm just sitting there like, ummm, Uh, IDK, HUH??? Like this is an ISSUE for people??? Like i've honestly NEVER thought about it before. I mean, I'm SINGLE, If I didn't put my gas in, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere, we would have a PROBLEM!!! I mean, I don't GET IT, is it HARD to put the gas in??? What am I MISSING??? Hmmmm... WHAT DOES IT SAY IN THE BIBLE???
I was reading one day in the book of Genesis about Rebekah being chosen as Isaaac's wife and it got me to thinking, WHAT was it about her that made Abraham's servant choose Rebekah for his master's, son's wife. After reading it , it clicked, she PUMPED HIS GAS!!! Genesis 24:18 Your saying, WHAAAAAT are you talking about Mary??? Weeeeeeeellllllll, in the Bible days, the camels were the mode transportation, Without the camels being watered, the transportation could not keep going...
Now, Rebekah OBVIOUSLEY had a good attitude, because, these days we would say, OK, he needs to be doing that HIMSELF!!! How dare he just sit there and allow HER do all the work. HOWEVER, that was NOT the attitude of Rebekah. He did NOT even have to ask her to do this, SHE OFFERED. I don't believe she did this with the attitude of, Oh I hope that he sees what a good wife I would make, I don't think she had the intention of trying to impress this servant who in my mind I see as an older man, She simply had a willing heart. She saw a need and saw a way that she could help out. She who was NOT a servant, was WILLING to serve a man that WAS a servant! AND after she had worked, THEN she was given gifts. (Genesis 24:22)
WHAT THE BIBLE DOES SAY ABOUT WOMAN: The Bible says NOTHING about a Godly woman being catered too. However, in Proverbs 31 it talks about a Godly woman and one thing that is repeated over and over and over again when talking about a woman of God is ACTION!!! She will do, she worketh WILLINGLY, she bringeth, she riseth, she planteth, she girdeth, she percieveth, she layeth her hand, she stretcheth out her hand, her household are clothed, she maketh, she selleth, she rejoices, she openeth her mouth with wisdom and kindness, she looketh well to the ways of her household...
Action, action, ACTION!!! Its over and over and over again!!! We have so many expectations of what we THINK we as woman deserve, but we just need to learn how to SERVE!!! The Bible teaches us all, especially woman, to have an attitude of service. One thing that always sticks out in my mind that Sis. Ikerd, missionary wife to Africa, would tell us girls is, "If your LAZY, DON'T GET MARRIED!!!" Another great quote that I have saved from Ladies of Legacy from another woman of God "If you don't like to serve that's fine; Just don't get married!"
.WHAT THE BIBLE DOES SAY ABOUT WOMAN: The Bible says NOTHING about a Godly woman being catered too. However, in Proverbs 31 it talks about a Godly woman and one thing that is repeated over and over and over again when talking about a woman of God is ACTION!!! She will do, she worketh WILLINGLY, she bringeth, she riseth, she planteth, she girdeth, she percieveth, she layeth her hand, she stretcheth out her hand, her household are clothed, she maketh, she selleth, she rejoices, she openeth her mouth with wisdom and kindness, she looketh well to the ways of her household...
Action, action, ACTION!!! Its over and over and over again!!! We have so many expectations of what we THINK we as woman deserve, but we just need to learn how to SERVE!!! The Bible teaches us all, especially woman, to have an attitude of service. One thing that always sticks out in my mind that Sis. Ikerd, missionary wife to Africa, would tell us girls is, "If your LAZY, DON'T GET MARRIED!!!" Another great quote that I have saved from Ladies of Legacy from another woman of God "If you don't like to serve that's fine; Just don't get married!"
I've heard a lot of woman talk about the way a man should treat a lady. He should always hold the door for her. He should open the car door for her. He should always lift the heavy things for her. He should pump her gas for her. He should do this, he should do that, I've been told before, IF your ever on a date and you date FORGETS to open the car door for you, JUST SIT there and wait. I'm like, WHAAAAAT??? I could be WRONG but it just seems a little off to me to humiliate a person. It just seems like REFUSING to get out of the car unless he OPENS the door for you doesn't really match up with having a meek and quiet spirit. To me it seems like it would make more sense to let a man know how much you DO appreciate when he does things for you, than to point out EVERY TIME he acts like a human and forgets!!! (Aka: Speaking Wisdom and kindness!!! Buuuuuut That's JUUUUUST MY opinion, Please take note that I AM SINGLE and know NOTHING!!!!)
You say, but, but, BUUUUUUUT I'm a PRINCESS!!! Isn't that what the Bible says, I'm the daughter of The King?!?!?! Yes, that is TRUE, buuuuuuuut just remember that, your Father, The KING came to this earth as a SERVENT!!! "...But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant..." (Philippians 2:7) And the Bible says before that to let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus. ONE DAY, we will reign with Christ, but RIGHT NOW, our job is to be a servant. "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him..." (2 Timothy 2:12) We are called to be servants!!!
By this time, your PROBALEY THINKING, buuuuuuuuuuut WHAT ABOUT THE MEN??? What is their part??? Weeeeeeeelllll... FIRST OF ALL, I think that the Bible is pretty clear that we ALL need to take on a spirit of servitude!!! However, I will tell you all something else that God has been teaching me A LOT lately, to just worry about myself!!! Make sure, MY HEART is right and God will take care of everyone else. As ladies, especially SINGLE ladies, we don't really need to worry about THE MEN, just LEAVE IT TO GOD!!! As woman, its really NOT our place to tell THE MEN what they're supposed be doing!!! If there is something that they NEED to be doing, let God or another man tell them.
Now don't get me wrong, I LIKE chivalry. I LIKE when ANYONE, male or female, takes the time to hold the door for me... That's just courteous!!! I LIKE knowing that someone can change my tire for me when I get a flat and am stranded on the side of the road. I LIKE it when i'm lifting something heavy and a guy comes over and says, Oh I can get that for you Mary! I LIKE when i am treated with honor and respect. What I don't like is the attitude of woman that says, I deserve, I am owed, I should be treated. Me, me, ME!!! I, I, I!!! Thats a self-centered attitude that is NOT found in the Word of God.
Am I telling woman that from this point on I feel like its their personal duty to pump the gas??? No! What I'm trying to say is that its a spirit of WILLINGNESS to SERVE that we NEED to have!!! Next time your feeling like someone just NEEDS to be doing something for YOU...just remember Rebekah...WHAT got her a husband??? Was it her good looks? Her status in life? Her personality? Her cute outfit? Did she play hard-to-get? No! No! No! No! ANNNNNNND NOOOO!!!! The way she got her husband was with her willingness to serve!!!
♥Mary Frances :)