Sooooooooooo you all remember this post HERE where I was telling you all that I found a stuffed puppy dog from an ex boyfriend with all the stuffed animals at my mom's??? Weeeeeeeelllllll...I guess my mom decided to be facetious and when MJ was over at her house, she told her to take the stuffed dog HOME and to put him on my bed when I wasn't watching!!!
Soooooooo I FIND THIS ...
I'm like, all are juuuuuuuust SOOOOOOOOO HILARIOUS!!! Then MJ is all like, oh buuuuuuuuut MARY the lil doggy is sooooooooooooo CUUUUUUUTE!!! How can you NOT want him??? I'm thinkin like, Oh she just doesn't GET WHY!!! Like, how do you explain that when you don 't like someone anymore...weeeeeelllll FORGET IT!!! Soooooooooo Instead of trying to explain this to my niece to make her UNDERSTAND, I took a hold of an opportunity of kindness!!!!
I was like, Oh you really like the cute lil puppy huh?!?! She's like YES Mary, he's soooooo CUUUUUUUUTE!!! I'm like awwww...cuz I know JUST how much she really wants a puppy dog of her own...Sooooo being the kindhearted OPPORTUNIST Aunt that I am, I said, you know what Mary Jo, I'll GIVE you that puppy dog...You want him???? She nods YES...I'm like...Okaaaaaay you can have him IF...yes I did say IF...IF you want to trade him with me for one of your lil Hello Kittys!!! MJ is like OK!!! SURE!!! Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd voila...
ANOTHER hello Kitty to add to my collection!!!
My sister was like, Wow!!! Don't you just feel BAD taking that Hello Kitty from your niece??? I thought about it for like two seconds...Ya know, really THOUGHT ABOUT IT...then I was like... NOPE!!!
I mean just LOOK AT HER...
I bartered with her, sooooooo she could have a STUFFED PUPPY...
Cuz YA KNOW...
her MOM won't get her a REAL ONE!!!
♥Mary Frances :)