I've been going through some of my old writings from my college days and recently found a "Bright" that I had published in the college Newspaper, I must share it with you all!!! Its called, "Super-Secure FLIRTING!!! :))))
I've never considered myself to be a super-model or anything like that. Yet, I always seem to get myself into these strange predicaments with OLDER men. It usually starts off with a casual, "Do you have the time?" Then the casually find out if I am single. When I say yes, they just can't understand how a beautiful girl like me doesn't have a boyfriend. (I'm thinking, maybe its because the only males that hit on me are males like YOU!) Then the conversation usually ends with me sweetly refusing to give them my number.
One particular incident happened while on a family vacation. It all started when my mom sent my sister and I to do some laundry in the hotel laundry mat.
We had just walked out of our room when an older gentleman with salt and pepper hair stopped us. He wore a neatly ironed uniform, and the lines around his eyes crinkled when he smiled.
"Hello," he said cheerfully. My sister would have just ignored him and kept on walking, but of course, I had to be friendly. After all, who can ignore a sweet Grandpa?
"Hi," I said back. "My name is Carlos," he said. "I'm Mary and this is my sister Theresa." He directed his attention to me, "are you Mexicano," He asked.
I was confused that he would even be asking me this, due to the fact that I am very light-skinned, with blue eyes. However, before I could even un-muddle my confused mind, my sister responded for me, "NO! We are Italian," she said, joining the conversation for the first and only time. (My mom always taught us to be proud of our Italian heritage!)
"Well you are very, very beautiful!' He said to me.
"Oh ummmm, thanks" I said, My sister just rolled her eyes.
He continued telling me about how beautiful I was and that American men may not think bigger woman were beautiful, but in his country I would be considered very, very beautiful. I kept telling myself he was just saying this in a fatherly way, BUT THEN, he began to tell me that he was single, available AND LOOKING!!! He ended up following us to the laundry room and helping us do our laundry. (So sweet.)
The rest of the night anytime we left the room, to get ice, or go to the vending machine, or anything, he was somewhere in the hallway always smiling, waiting for us. It really started creeping me out! When it was time to get the clothes from the dryer my sister refused to go.
So I had to make the long trek down the hall all by myself. As I walked, I tried to comfort myself. This is a nice hotel, I thought. At least a two star I was sure. All the rooms were inside the building. there was security cameras everywhere.
Most importantly, there was a security guard on duty, watching over the hotel. I like security guards. A security guard's job is to protect one from danger, and that's exactly what I needed at this moment. However, from some reason, tonight I just didn't find comfort in the fact that there was a security at this hotel.
HE was the security guard!
♥Mary Frances :)