Saturday, July 11, 2015

Bay day 4!!!

Today was SUPERRR funnnn buuuuut ironically, I only have ONE picture from it!!! I guess that's what happens when your having fun... Weeeeeeelll, annnnd when your phone dies halfway thru the day!!! Hahahaha!!!
We started the day with biscuits and gravy...yeah!!! Then...
We basically ran errands for the bridal shower for half of the day... Oooooh wait, that reminds me, I actuAlly have TWO!!! We went to the table and chair rental place and this lady was super buff, she just lifted these tables like they were feathers 
and were like, oh do you need help? She's like, oh no I got it! But you guys WILL need to help each other when you take them out!!! Ahahaha!!!
Then the rest of the day we were just setting up at the Kifle's... Cooking... E told Anali to COME HUNGRY!!! Lol buuuuut the funniest part of the whole day was when Hanna and I were trying to bring the kitchen table outside!!! We tried like 3 different ways and we could NOT fit it through any doorways!! We were like laughing so hard!! 
Finally we got everything done so we made a Starbucks run!!! And that's when the second pic happened...
I had seen a cute chocolate cop right behind us and I wanted to tell Hanna without being obvious, so I was gonna text her, but then I remembered that my phone was dead and I was holding HER phone! So I just typed I that on a blank text on her phone then handed it to her! She started laughing!!! Ahaha!! 
It was a fun day!!! Tomorrow is the shower and it's gonna be awesome!!! I'll take lots of pics for you all!!! :)))