It's time for my A Mountain Apart post... Let's go back, waaaaay, WAY, waaaayyy back to the beginning of June! Now really, that DOES seem like foreverrrr and a day ago!!! Buuuuuut HERE we go, this post is about A Mountain Apart and some BREAKING NEWS!!! Wamp, wamp, wamp...
So it was ME, T, MJ and Stultz driving together to camp!!! Stultz was the official driver!!!
This game at Cracker Barrel basically always tells m that I'm STUPID!!! Hee, hee!!!
On the way there we stopped at Cracker Barrel... Got my FAVORITE, blueberry pancakes, with a side of hash brown casserole...YUMMMM!!!Here we are at camp, Bro. Andrew leading or something... Doing his announcements probably!!!
Sooooooooo we got through one day and after lunch I went to my room to take a nap. Set my alarm to get up in time for CHOIR PRACTICE...YES, I did say, CHOIR PRACTICE!!! A Mountain Apart and MY CHURCH are THE ONLY choirs I join!!! For many reasons, one being, I HATE RISERS...they scare me to death, #2 They take away from my socializing time #3 Theres usually MORE than enough people to sing, SOMEONE has to stay in the congregation to actually enjoy the choir and worship!!!
Buuuuuuuuuuut anyway, I ALWAYS go to choir at AMA...ever since the year I ditched in order to do a really cute hair-do, Sis. Devi NEVER let me forget that for the rest of the camp...I learned don't mess with a pregnant mamma...AHAHA...the hair do was REALLY CUTE tho by the way, ANNNNNND I still remember that I looked SOOOOO GOOD that night!!! It was soooo worth the rebuke just to look at myself in the mirror and take a million selfies...AHAHAHA!!! WAIIIIIT let me see if I can find the pic...Okaaaaaaaaaay i'm back...I couldn't find it!!!
Anywayz, back to AMA 2015 annnnnnd THE BREAKING news I told you all about... Soooooooo I'm on my way to choir practice and I think that i'll stop at the gym to see whats going on. As soon as I walk in all the girls are like, MARY! Jonathon just broke his leg! I'm like, Haha!!! Funny guys...they're like, NO REALLY, Mary he broke it! I'm like, WHEN??? They're like, JUST NOW!!! I'm like, WHAT??? WHERE??? They're like, RIGHT oVER THERE!!! I'm like, OH...annnnd there is Stultz, laying on the ground with his LEG BROKEN!!! See, I told you guys I had...
(Buh-dump. Chhh!!! AHAHAHA)
This is him, obviously, laughing in pain at something I had just said!!! LOL Well I didn't know what else to do to try and make him feel better, I'm NOT like a nurse or something!!!
Then Bro. Foster had me call his mom...cuz ya know, they really only know our family with us being neighbors and all...then his dad called me...when I saw Stultz at the hospital I was like, DUUUUUDE your dad sounds JUST LIKE YOU ON THE PHONE...I mean like, right down to the awkward pauses...BAHAHAHA!!!
Here he is being RESCUED by the paramedics...a long winding drive to the nearest hospital...eeeeks...Poor guy...buuuuut even in his pain, HE STILL managed to witness to the paramedics about JESUS NAME BAPTISM!!! Go Stultz!!! He's just bomb like that!!!
The drive to the hospital, T and I drove there too since he was gonna be having surgery and all, as you can see, we were basically out in the middle of NO WHERE!!! All went well with the surgery and he was able to leave the next day...thank God cuz the next nurse that came in seemed WEIRD...Her greeting to him was,"Hey Guy!" I'm like, ummmm...I'm NOT a nurse, buuuuut I'm pretty sure that's not very professional...I'm JUS SAYIN...LOL!!!
Oh annnnnnnd then we had this adventure in K-mart cuz Stultz went there to pick up some supplies he needed with having his broken leg and everything, sooooo I went inside to get him an electrical cart and the one was DEAD and the other one I saw some teen taking...So when I told Stultz he was incredibly frustrated cuz he was still pretty worn out from everything and wobbly on his crutches still!!! and it was taking forever for him to get anywhere in the store. He was like, SO ANNOYED that this teen, who was perfectly capable of walking, had gotten the cart...we were gonna report it...buuuuut then we realized that they had gotten it for their Grandma!
So everywhere Stutlz would hobble and struggle to get to in the store we would end up passing this grandma in the electrical cart and Stultz and I would just look at each other...cuz HE NEEDED IT!!! AHAHA!!! Sooooooooooo THEN we're finally up front, he's paying for everything ANNNNNNNNNND this Grandma comes CRASHING up front in the next line over!!! She's like, I guess I don't know how to drive this thing... We were like, WOW!!! Then we just started laughing!!! It was pretty funny!!!
Anywayz, BACK TO CAMP...We made it back for the last service!!! Here is the kids choir singing, Denae was their director and they did great!!!
Me and lil Miss Gally!!!
Joe Momma...he was being a good friend and carrying all Stultz's stuff to our van..
Oh this was funny, sooooooo we're standing out on the porch of the dorms a bunch of us and I'm walking by Sis. Devi's room and I look in and see she's packing their stuff up...buuuut a bunch of it was just being organized or whatever but it was sprawled out on the bed, I was like to everyone, OoooooH WOW, you guys, Sis. Devi's room is ACTUALLY A MESS!!! Buuuuuut what I didn't realize was that...
I can't remember what she said to me buuuuuuuut I was just like, OOOOoOOOOPS!!! Then like HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Here's Stultz again...Awwww poor guy...buuuut it did get him A LOT of girl attention!!! Something about a guy being hurt and every girl wants to tend his wounds....AHAHAHA!!! Plus even the guys were talking to me about what A MAN he was! They're like, He was just so chill about it! He jumps up, falls and yells out, I broke my leg and just lays there, They're like, HE DIDN"T EVEN CRY, now that's a MAN!!!" AHAHAHA!!! That's Stultz, the King of NON dramatic!!! The only time he yelled out was when this man, that was a volunteer paramedic I believe, when they were moving him and Stultz said his leg some how got caught in the man's big belly...He said, THAT WAS PAINFUL!!! Eeeeeks...LOL!!!
My sis was like, So I guess this means your NOT driving home!!! AHAHAHA!!!
Everyone saying their goodbyes...
Me and Miss Daisy...OH yeah girrrrrl, you DID have braces at camp...NOW I see them!!! AHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! We didn't get to hang out as much at camp buuuuut we made up for it at Joe and Anali's wedding...Hee, hee!!!
Joe and Sergio...
Lil Gally again...
Our group pic...Stultz in the middle, everyone said he was the camp HERO...
Buuuuuut if you ask me he was just the camp's wounded hero, I MEAN, I don't see how breaking your leg makes you a hero... I say he was ALREADY a hero because he's been living for God on his own since he was 12, being an example to other young people that you can make it living for God in an ungodly environment...that's what's heroic to me...I mean come on, he didn't even make the shot...Ahahahahahahahaha!!! Juuuuuuust kidding STULTZ...JUST KIDDING!!! :))))
Ooooooh I ALMOST FORGOT...Broc!!! You wanted me to make mention of you on my blog and I said only if you did something that was mentionable annnnnnd this is what I noticed...HOW you ACTED like you were ALL EXCITED to see me when you arrived whenever you got there...buuuuuut...what you were REALLY doing was standing there talking to me so you could take cuts in the dinner line!!! Uh huh...don't think I didn't know!!! AHAHAHA!!! I just didn't say anything cuz it was YOUR BIRTHDAY...dinner line cuts was kinda like my birthday present to you...Yes, soooo giving of me...YOUR WELCOME!!! :)))
All in all, it was a good camp...UNEXPECTED events happened buuuuut still very memorable!!!
Writing this post I started going through old AMA posts ... I could NOT stop laughing when I read THIS post, "Knocking on the floor!" Read it you guys!!! Annnnnnd if you happen to be reading this Alahondra, I MISS YOU being at AMA!!! COME HOME!!! :))))
AMA 2012 memories!!! AWWWW!!!