Oooooh back to Heritage!!! Sooooo much has happened in the last two weeks it feels like FOREVERRRR ago!!! Buuuuuuuut I'll try my very best to recall as much as possible!!! Lets start off by saying, I LOST WEIGHT on that trip, which is basically a MIRACLE!!! 15 pounds baby...HOLLA!!!

Anywayz, we had sooooo many inside jokes already going between the four of us, JUST FROM THE NIGHT BEFORE WE LEFT!!! Lets see, "...A good THING!" (Har, har!) Table and Chairs, tooth and glue...Let me try to explain, Hanna had rented table and chairs for Anali's bridal shower, well they HAD to be back to the rental place Monday...OR ELSE...sooooooo about 4:30 Monday morning, (Yeah, she rises EARLY, she's a nurse people, not a princess...and she has this thing called... A JOB!!!)
Anywayz, so Hanna remembers, half asleep and stuff that she has to get them back, OR ELSE, so she just shoots a quick text to her brother, "Table and Chairs" No please, or even addressing of his name...Just, "Table and chairs" She wasn't meaning to sound commanding or rude, it just came out that way...LOL...She was SLEEPY!!! So he was just kinda like, WOW. about her text...soooo then just to be funny, as a reminder, I said to him, "Tooth and Glue" Cuz he was supposed to be fixin my tooth for Heritage..YEAH...I just said my tooth...its FAKE PEOPLE...LOL...
Anywayz, he was gonna super-glue it back to the retainer thingy, I had already tried before coming but was only successful in gluing the tooth to my finger...which kinda hurt takin it off...anyway, he did FIX it, buuuuuut, it was unsuccessful in my mouth cuz a piece had cracked off when it broke making it uneven and I looked like a vampire...Which, altho its "IN" I was NOT aiming for that look...BAHAHAHA!!! Soooooooo yeah, I went to a HUGE conference with like a million kajillion people, with a FRONT TOOTH biggie!!! AHAHA!!!
So yeah, Bro. Kifle was just jokin...well half jokin... that he felt so disrespected when Hanna sent him that text...and then the guys were joking with us that we shouldn't send our husband's texts like that when we get married...I gave and example of what I WOULD SAY to my husband...buuuuut we won't post that...LOL!!! So then everything after that was like, "Open and Door" "Cup and water" Its probably not as funny to you all reading this tho...Sorry...ya had to been there!!! I'm recording this memory for "ME and US" AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Sooooooooo then, while reading and studying the word at Starbucks, Hanna and I had discovered some very enlightening scriptures in Proverbs, and we really felt like God wanted us to share what we had read with these men of God...just IN CASE they hadn't come across this knowledge yet!!! I kindly pointed out to them, that I noticed that EVERY TIME the Bible refers to WISDOM, it is in a FEMININE manner...Hmmmmmm...NOW that's something to THINK ON MEN...Jus sayin! ;) That's when they decided to point out, "...a good THING!"
Weeeeeellllllll on the airplane ride over I decided it was time to further this subject a little bit more, ya know, Bible Study time...After all, Bro, Kifle has been pushing for people to get involved in teaching Bible Studies, annnnnnd what better person to teach than HIM...ahahaha...I was suddenly feeling such a strong burden on my heart for these young men of God to REALLY SEE what the Bible says about, Lady Wisdom, now was THE TIME to act on what I had discovered...
Sooooooooo to start off the Bible study, I simply passed them my Bible across the aisle way, and compelled them to draw their attention to Proverbs 7:4, "Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:" They silently read the scripture, then without any remarks they began flipping through the Bible an in like LESS than 15 seconds, they passed the Bible back to me with MY OWN SCRIPTURE to read....
Sooooooooo to start off the Bible study, I simply passed them my Bible across the aisle way, and compelled them to draw their attention to Proverbs 7:4, "Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman:" They silently read the scripture, then without any remarks they began flipping through the Bible an in like LESS than 15 seconds, they passed the Bible back to me with MY OWN SCRIPTURE to read....
"Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law." 1 Corinthians 14:34)
One word for them...WOOOOOOWWW!!!Okaaaaaaaaaaaay I admit, that was pretty FUNNNNNNYYY!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then on the airplane we had a REALLY outrageous encounter with our stewardess...I won't go into details, buuuuuuuuut it DOES involve that cup you see on top of Bro. Andrew's head, annnnnnnd she ACTUALLY called him an IDIOT over something that was a COMPLETE accident...she went cray-cray people, I was like, WOW!!! Of course he responded like a TRUE CHRISTIAN and apologized profusely to her...she didn't accept it...she related a drop of water as the same equivalent to being assaulted and spit on..."Don't you EVERRRRRR DO THAT AGAIN!" like I said people, SHE CRAY-CRAY!!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Frontier pay cheaper...apparently the stewards must get paid cheaper too!!!
Once we got to Denver, we picked up our luggage, which by the way LADIES, these guys were such gentlemen and ACTUALLY carried around our extra luggage for us along with theirs...which was pretty nice considering I was having difficulty carrying ALL MY STUFF...AHAHAHA!!!
Then we picked up "The Green Beast!" got settled in, drove out, annnnnd THEN, Bro. Andrew asked Hanna to get his duffel bag from the back, annnnnnnd she could NOT find it!!! That's when we realized it was GONE!!! There was a lot of expensive things in it too, like an iPad and stuff!!! He had left it back in the parking spot where he had put it down while helping us get our luggage in!!! We frantically drove back...annnnnnnnnnnd PRAISE BE was there!!! Phew!!!

Then we went and picked up Eryn, cuz she was staying with Hanna and we are all cruising...Hanna's about to get her nap in the back seat...
Then the guys decide that "The Green Beast" MUST get a carwash cuz its not the cleanest...I felt like this was POINTLESS and a COMPLETE WASTE OF $10...I mean, REALLY, who cares??? Its not like we were gonna be eating food off the hood or something!!! Anywayz, the guys said it was their pet peeve etc... I really wanted to say it was my pet peeve, for people to have pet peeves about getting car washes on cars, when they weren't really dirty, OH buuuuuuut NOOOOOO...being the Proverbs 31 woman that I am, I sat there in SILENCE as they put $10 in the machine...buuuuut IN MY HEAD, I was thinking, okaaaaay that coulda been a new hair accessory, one and a half drinks at Starbucks, like 9 large drinks at McDonalds...buuuuuut I just kept SILENT, like the Bible says...Hee, hee!!! ;)
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllll SILENT until we actually started going through the carwash...see I just happened to be sitting in the seat with the broken window...ahahahaha...Lets just say...
We were like sooooo hysterical the WHOLE time!!! Then when we were done I smelled myself...I smelled GOOOOOOD...Heeeeeeeeyyyy!!!
Once we got to Colorado Springs, we picked up Cherie, Nicole, Cara and Bethany from their hotel, the we headed over too...
MR. Whitikar laying hands on Bro. Kifle!!!
FINALLY, in the Imagination Station/ elevator...hee, hee!!!
Found my lil frienders there, Denae and Allana!!!
Getting a big hug from my Chocolate Bear!!!
Here's most of our group, we went outside while waiting for our WODFAMCHOCSODS, telling stories and reenacting our cray-cray stewardess!!! Table and chairs, tooth and glue, a good THING...the whole shebang of funnies...good times, good times!!! :))))
Group pics...the guys had to be in the center...of course...LOL
Ready for churrrrrch!!! okaaaaaaaaay so I admit to being a grouch the first night on the way to church...I can normally get dressed FAST, buuuuuut 30 minutes was really PUSHING hair is hard to do when I haven't curled it and its a mess, its sooooo straight and slippery its hard to do!!! Sooooo yeah, BAD HAIR DAY!!! LOL
Met this pretty girl, for her name, but she reads my blog and met me last year me GIRRRRL!!! Oooooh and THANK YOU to the two avid readers of my blog that ACTUALLY complimented me on my shoes like I said too!!! You guys are AWESOME!!!
Marissa...she took a selfie on my phone...she's soooo cuuuuute with that one dimple...
MARISSA!!! My friend is MOVING TO AZ IN OCTOBER!!! OMW!!! Whoever thought one trip to AZ would lead to THIS!!! God is soooooooooo GOOOOOOD!!!
Me and lil Miss Galli!!!
Me and LAUREN!!! Okaaaaay Lauren, soooo I have a funny story for you!!! Sooooo one of the times we said hi to each other in the ladies room, when you were walking out I was trying to get your attention to say something else, Sooooo i'm like, Marissa! Marissa! you didn't turn, I'm like, Marissa??? Uh, maybe that's not her name...OH NO, its LAUREN... ahahahahaha!!! buuuuuuut don't Tulsa got a Marissa too???
Me and Denae
.Our group at Olive Garden...

Me annnd JENNNN!!!
Our hang out time was during the two hours before prayer that we had to get to the church to get halfway decent seats!!! Loooooooooooooove this girl!!! She keeps me in line...I'll be like, I think I like so and so...she's like, "NO MA'AM!!!" I'm like, buuuuuuuuuut, "NO MA'AM!!!" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okaaaaaaaaaaaay Jennnn you know what crush i'm talking about, THAT CRUSH GOES DOWN WITH US TO THE GRAVE!!!
At the lock in...Bro. Andrew is telling us all about his ear...and being attacked by gang memebers and actually being initiated in...ASK HIM ABOUT IT!!!
Our group!!!
Jam session at the music store...I'm not really into jam sessions...i'm NOT at all musically inclined at all!!! I"m even air guitaring..I was scared to actually touch one, ya know!!!
Bro. Andrew Foster and Bro. Kifle...Besties...LOL...
#petpeeves #insidejoke
Marissa and her fiancé!!!
Foreverrrr greatful to this man for being the cause of MY FRIEND moving here!!!! Now, if I could just get Hanna here...Hmmmmm...;)
Soooooooooooo tired the last night!!! Nicole caught a little snooze at ihop!!!
This here is three of THE AWESOMEST guys in Pentecost...A missionary, a pastor and a youth leader...annnnnnnnd the best part is, drumroll puleeeeeeze...
THEY'RE ALL SINGLE!!!...yes Ladies, I AM FOR REALZ, there ARE STILL, some single men left amongst the famine!!! AHAHAHA!!! ;))))
The Elegante Hotel we stayed at...don't be Jelly, it really WAS BETTER than Holiday Inn and Holiday Inn express annnnnd there were tons of young people from other churches there too!!!
Oh yeah, we stayed at THE BEST HOTEL...a proudly serving Starbucks coffee shop annnnnnnnnnnd they even had the ten commandments out!!! That's what i'm talking about, Coffee and THE WORD!!
We met up with the Burbank and one Fresno group at Cracker Barrel for lunch...
On Saturday we went to a national park called, Garden of the Gods...
I'm little weirded out by the title, buuuuuuut, none the less it was BEAUTIFUL annnnnnd I know THE GOD, that made it!!!
Selfie time....puleeeeze take notice of the slight reddish glint to my hair as the sun reflects on it!!!! #alwayswantedtobearedhead
I was born a strawberry blond you guys...Sigh...I'm technically a brunette!
Cherie trying to get THE PERFECT picture...don't worry Bro. and Sis. Marchbanks, we just directed all the cars to go around her!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!
Btw: where is that pic anyway???LOL
Hanna and Bro. Kifle!!! #awwwwww #bestfriends #soooooosweet
These two siblings, they really are BEST FRIENDS!!! And when they read this they'll be like, Really Mary?! REALLY??? Buuuuut its true, they're besties!!! Awwwww...someone get me a tissue, I'm getting teary-eyed..weeeelllll NOT REALLY!!!
Awwwww me and Hanna Banana!!!
I love this pic cuz look at my eyes, they look Asianish!!! #Ialwayswantedasianeyestoo
He said he was going back to his roots, literally climbed to that mountain in like less than five minutes...I think he woulda gone more buuuuuuuuut his big sis was getting very CONCERNED with his climbing!!! LOL
We exhausted our driver!!! Poor guy!!!
Annnnnnd this pic was when our driver started singing, ♪♫, Bro. Kifle taaaaaake the wheel!!! Take it from my hands! Because I can't do this on my own!♫♪♪ And the rest of the group began to pray...

AHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!!! Not really, just being goofy!!! The pic was staged...while driving tho...LOL
RIGHT HERE is where I shoulda posted the pic of me and Marissa at the airport....buuuut I accidentally deleted it...WAAAAAAAHHH!!! Anywayz, I was soooooooo happy to see her!!! We got to talk for like almost ten minutes before they started was such a pleasant surprise when I bumped in the VPC youth and found out she was just a few gates away!!!!
1. Nathaniel Shreckhise when he said, "You lost your clam chowder!" We're still trying to figure out exactly what he meant by that!!! AHAHAHA!!!
2. So Nathaniel has this nickname that only his close friends and family call him..I won't say it on here cuz I don't think he wants everyone calling him it...sooooo we'll just say its CHING CHONG!!! LOL So I felt like I needed to clarify with Nathaniel, cuz last year at Heritage he was walking by me, I had never met him BUUUUUT I knew he was Allana's brother, So instead of introducing myself, I just say, "Hi Ching Chong!" AHAHAHA!!! You guys shoulda seen the look on his face...he was sooooo weirded first of all, WHO IN THE WORLD IS THIS TALKING TO ME like she's known me forever and second, how dare she call my by my nickname and HOW does she even know it??? I'm just like, your Allana's brother, RIIIIIGHT???
Anywayz, this year he was hanging with our group most of the time so I had the chance to get to know him better ANNNNND explain myself!!! See THE REASON why I called you by your nickname Ching-chong, is because I ACTUALLY did NOT know his ACTUAL NAME!!! I've literally only heard him referred to as Ching-chong...Soooo I just called him by his nickname!
3. Sooooo the last day we're driving to the evening service and I don't know why or how, buuuuuut the conversation turned to just how nice of a guy Bro. Andrew Klann is...then someone says, "Andrew, you just have a heart of gold!!!" I'm like, AWWWWW!!! Andrew its TRUE!!! You DO!!! Your just like a little Golden Retriever puppy dog!!! I don't know WHY, buuuuuut the whole suburban of a two guys and five girls, went completely HYSTERICAL when I said that!!! Hey, it was a HIGH COMPLIMENT PEOPLE...those dogs are like AWESOME, very loyal, very expensive, kind natured, well behaved, BUUUUUT STILL FUNNN!!! They're like the princes of dog hood!!! LOL Buuuuut really, he IS such a good guy, I'm jus sayin! :))) (Sooooo Andrew, don't forget about helping me get in the youth night this year at WCC, I really need your help brotha!!! We'll talk at Marissa's wedding...LOL :))))
4. One of the days, one of our friends said she thought she saw a cute guy, buuuuuut then when she did a double take she realized it was just HER BROTHER!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!! That soooooo cracked me up!!!
All in all, it was an AWESOME trip!!!! Awesome conference!!! AMAZINGLY-AWESOME MEMORIES!!!
For more fun about Heritage
♥Mary Frances :)
P.S. Oh and special thank you to Bro. Andrew Klann and Bro. Kifle for organizing all our tickets and checkins at the airport, for being our drivers the whole week, for going out of your way every service, in the opposite direction, to pick up all our frienders, that had no transportation and for any free meals or drinks you covered for us... and for anything else you guys may have done, that was all very kind and generous and we don't want it to go unnoticed or unappreciated!!! So, THANK YOU!!! :)))