Sooooooooo of course NO TRIP is complete, WITHOUT a CLASSIC MARY MOMENT!!! LOL And this wedding trip, was NO EXCEPTION!!! Several people had joked with me about how they hoped some kind of Classic Mary Moment would happen with me and I was like, Okaaaaaaaaaaaay HONESTLY, i'm really one does NOT happen DURING THE WEDDING!!! After THIS MOMENT HERE, I was like, God puleeeeeze NOOOOOOO ...have MERCY ON ME!!! AHAHA!!!
Thankfully, it didn't happen til THE LAST DAY!!! Phew!!! I was putting my duffel bag in Hanna's car before we started our day so we didn't have to come back later before I got dropped off at the airport. When I was putting my duffel bag in the trunk, I laid her keys on this perfect little ledging on the side and as I did I thought to myself, make sure you get those out so you do NOT lock Hanna's keys in her trunk...
Annnnnnnnnnnd THAT MY FRIENDS,
I just froze in horror as I tried to stop the trunk from slamming shut...with that one lone key sticking out of the crack...
Just peeking out...buuuut to NO AVAIL, not even budging outta there!!!
I was like, Ummmmmmmmmmm HANNNNNNNNNNAAAA!!!
Do you have AAA???
She didn't, buuuuut her mom DID have her extra key...phew...thankfully Hanna was just laughing annnnd reminding me that that was NOT my first CMM on this trip, I had already ummmmm MAYBE locked us out of her house on the night of the wedding...buuuuut hey at least it wasn't like I locked out the bride and groom or something crazy like that!!! PHEW!!! Annnnnnd btw: I highly recommend that ANYONE that is friends with ME, should probably have AAA...I'm just comes in handy when your with me and CMMs does!!! LOL
♥Mary Frances :)