Last week, I talked with you all about how our grapefruit tree was blown over in a rainstorm but how BECAUSE there was still roots in the ground from the tree, a new tree has begun to grow in place of the old one. Refresh your memory with When There's Still Roots Part 1, today I want to talk to you all about part 2 of this aspect. Last week we saw the positive aspect of what can happen when you still have roots in a good thing, something new will begin to grow from it.
However, while roots in something that is good will bring forth something new that is good, when something bad is cut out of your life, if you have roots in something bad, something new, that is bad will once again begin to grow. It's good to cut out bad things in our life. Ungodly influences, worldly lusts, carnal desires, but check yourself, you have to do more than just cut down the tree, you have to get down to the heart of the issue. You may have cut the item out of your life, buuuuuuut did you also dig out the roots?
If you find yourself struggling over and over again with the same thing, perhaps its because you never dug out the roots. The roots of the issue must be completely dug out and destroyed, never to grow back again in another form. Search your heart today, ask God to show you if there are any roots in your heart that need to be dug out!
If there is something,
it's time to start digging!!!
"“Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;” (Hebrews 12:15)
♥Mary Frances :)