Weeeeeeeeeeellll you guys, we're ;up to August now!!!!
My comfy bed!!!!
Bible Study time!!!
I found my 5k medals, I had been FREAKING out cuz i couldn't find them!!!
A game I want...I have and want all these games buuuuuut no one to play with!!! LOL
Good Morning toast from daily drip!!!! You guys gotta try this place!!!
I told them to SURPRISE me with a picture...
Isn't that soooooooo CUUUUUUTE????
Tiramusu...soooooooo that's like my FAVORITE dessert buuuuuut I can neverrrr eat it cuz ya know its at night when they usually serve dessert...sooooooooo I got it for breakfast at Daily Drip....BOMB!!!
My bed...isn't it sooooooooo COZY???
The Morales came to town!!!!
We all hung out after and had SOOOO MUCH FUNNNN!!!
My little girls FOUND ME at Walmart!!!!I havn't seen them in years!!!
They were the BABIES in the group when I started bringing them all to church!!!!
Family night before John's last buuuuuuut really long stay in the hospital for the transplant!!!!
I made everyone at Bible study little pazookies!!!
♥Mary Frances :)
Sooooooo funny story, I was trying to reach a coffee drink on the top shelf, their was a sign that said do not reach up here, ask for assistances, buuuuuuuuut i WAS LIKE welllllllllll I don't wanna give anyone extra work, I GOT IT!!!! Annnnnnnnd there was a crash and glass broke and the guy in the aisle freaked out and started cussing me out...I have NO IDEA WHYYYY he was soooooooo upset cuz it broke no where near him...buuuuuut anywayz I RAN to the other side of Walmart to get away from him and when I got there I heard, MARY! MARY!!! and it was the girls!!! I was like, hmmmmm...did God just let that happen so I'd run into them????
Aileen's 39th birthday party!!!
I made the cake...doesn't it look AMAAAAAAZING????
Ice Cream Sundays at Bible study!!!
Odin trys my tacos...said they're ALMOST AS GOOD AS TACO BELL---WOWWWW!!!
Talking to Aria on Face time....sooooo ADORBS!!!
Isn't my room just BEAUTIFUL????
These drinks are BOMB!!!
Cookies I made!!!!
Family night before John's last buuuuuuut really long stay in the hospital for the transplant!!!!
I made everyone at Bible study little pazookies!!!
Annnnnnnnnnnd my day of donation!!!!
7 million stem cells!!!
It was another good month!!!!
Annnnnnnnnd two more months and THEN we'll be all caught up!!!!